defeat for the Board of Directors of the Freiburg-based technology group Comet against major shareholder Veraison: The new Chairman of the Board, the General Assembly has chosen Kundert on today (Thursday), Heinz.

The former chief of the Eastern Swiss vacuum valves-manufacturer of VAT had been proposed by Veraison for the office, and prevailed in an extremely tight decision against Christoph Kutter, who had been sent by the Comet Board of Directors into the race.

Kundert in order to replace the outgoing Hans Hess, of the Board of Directors for a period of twelve years, the Board of management. The vote was very close: Kundert received by shareholders in the election to the presidency with 50.6 percent, a touch more votes than his opponent. Cutter got on this question, with 50.3 per cent Yes-votes. He will join as a “normal” member of the Board of Directors.

Furthermore, the shareholders voted with a large majority by the Board of Directors proposed Patrick Jany to the body. The chief financial officer of Clariant replaced Lucas Grolimund, who was not taken to the election.

Kundert accepted the choice graciously, and promised the shareholders that he will work with the existing Board members and the Executive Committee. On the question of where he would like to lead the company in the future, he thought. To do this, he’ll get in a first Phase, an in-depth look and Team with the management for further steps to tackle.

rope drag on for months

In the run-up to the General Assembly, Comet and Veraison, which is involved with 10 per cent of the companies have, over several months for their candidates advertised. Also in Bern, the Comet made it clear that they had prepared for the election of the President with foresight and in-depth process. On a final list of the Short List, with six candidates Heinz Kundert’ve found the place.

In the selection process, they had come to the conclusion that Christoph Kutter was the right man for the Post, Hans Hess in front of the shareholders. Was highlighted by his knowledge of the semiconductor market, as head of the German Fraunhofer-Institute for micro-systems, but also his age. At the age of 54, he was a long-term solution, while the 67-year-old Heinz Kundert would have to leave for reasons of age, already after three years, the office again.

On the other hand, ported Veraison with Kundert according to their own statements, a man with strong leadership experience, so to speak, a “doer”. The former chief of know, the semiconductor business, Switzerland, the capital market and the customers. He was an independent candidate and will maintain with all of the shareholders of the contact. The rather short term of office he did not see as a disadvantage. Rather, he will try, important Decisions, celebrate and move forward, he said in his speech. (aru/sda)

Created: 25.04.2019, 15:05 PM