After a long Back-and-Forth between the two chambers of the Council of States a draws. Against Swiss companies abroad imposed buses may be deducted in future from the tax “if the taxable Person credibly demonstrates that she has taken Reasonable steps to act in conformity with the law”. In March 2018, the little chamber had rejected a deduction of buses. Now SP and Green in the Council of States, with 26 votes to 14 against documents. The compromise proposal still needs to be from the national Council approved.

five years Ago, the big Bank UBS was in connection with dubious business practices worthy of been fined. Because the cantons differ in how they treat such sanctions, required by Federal politicians, a uniform regulation that buses are not considered expenses and therefore tax paid to be. The Federal Council presented already in 2016 a proposal.


But in the autumn of 2018, the national Council decided, with the votes of SVP and FDP , that foreign buses will be, under certain conditions, deductible. Last March, the Wind in the Council of States then turned under the impression of further Billions of dollars in fines, in particular, against UBS this spring in France. He sent back the business to the Revision of his Commission, which drew up the compromise adopted proposal. The aim was, so CVP-Ständerat Pirmin, Bishop, that buses could then be deducted, “when a foreign judgment is not pushing or even arbitrary”. Whether this would also apply to the fine against UBS, remained yesterday, however, open.

in Vain SP-councillor Christian Levrat argued, with the compromise one has to perform in Switzerland, a foreign process to determine whether a company had actually made the “Reasonable” in order to comply with the foreign law. Levrat asked the civil Ständeräte if they could explain to their voters why a company would remove buses from the taxes, if it is in breach of country law.

Federal President Ueli Maurer supported the attitude of the SP. It would be a problem, if the tax authorities would have to assess operations abroad. The decision uncertainty will be created, which would then be before the courts clarified. Neither Levrat yet masons were able to convince the majority of the FDP, SVP and Parts of the CVP .

Created: 03.12.2019, 18:28 PM