Antwerp baby gorilla Thandie has for the first time outside in the Mensapenvallei of the Zoo of Antwerp. The little monkey loves still firmly stuck to mum Mayani, but pulled big eyes when she for the first time the wondrous world around her saw.

small baby gorilla was initially somewhat shy when they first appeared outside in the Mensapenvallei. After a while, she went still at the research and felt them for the first time, the grass of the zoo under her small feet and hands. Took a long time that not, because most of all what to expect Thandie is still attached to her mother. Lying on the back in the lovely sunshine.

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Thandie drink now still breast milk, but the arrival of a first tooth is already in sight. Soon she can meesmullen with the rest of the gorillagroep, what they are good at seems to be included. the

If Thandie wants to come and have a look, can these days also field tests of a scientific research at the gorillas. Because nutritious evergreen find for these exotic animals, is not self-evident. Therefore, examine the zoo or in the so-called ‘harvesting’ of wilgenblaadjes more nutrients are retained than in, say, frozen alternatives.