1. What can Per Bolund do to fight the housing crisis?

– He personally could probably not do so much. But the housing market is one of the most politicised markets we have in Sweden. Each rule change or change of taxes around housing and construction may impact, not rarely large ones. Just take the heightened amorteringskravet introduced in the last year – it has sannolitk helped to push prices in the most expensive areas.

– Bolunds main task will be to together with stödpartierna the Centre party and the Liberals agree on proposals for changes in regulations and taxes around the accommodation and social housing. These proposals must then win a hearing in the riksdag – which is not a given.

2. Oh well, what are the changes then?

– First, one can observe that aiming high. So here it is in the program that the government agreed with the stödpartierna if:

”More housing is needed to help young people get their first home, for people to move where the jobs are and to break the growing boendesegregationen. The housing market needs to be reformed so that more people’s needs can be met, rules to be simplified and competition increase.”

Would they succeed with this, so has Sweden had a housing policy worthy of the name for the first time in decades. But it will be difficult, very difficult and it will take several years before the reforms provide the effect the parties want to achieve.

3. What are the first steps then?

– A part we already know. There will be market rents in newly built apartment building. The interest rate on the deferral of capital gains tax for the seller of a home, should be discontinued. This will increase mobility on the housing market, believe the politicians.

” But the really difficult åtgärdena is about such thing as a de-escalation of ränteavdragen and maybe even reavinstskatten. A measure that many economists would applaud a reinstatement of a federal estate tax, but the issue has lots of burnt out on the past, so the pushed note and far into the future!

– another difficult issue is precisely what the state can do to stimulate the construction of affordable housing. The investment aid which the last government introduced will remain but be ”more efficient”. How it will be done, may very well lead to a battle between the government and the stödpartierna!

Read also: Housing policy moved to finance where it belongs

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