The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has offered the president and CEO of Universal Music for Latin America and Spain, Jesús López, the possibility of creating a musical ‘hub’ in the region to facilitate artistic development and attract ” new values” musical.

Díaz Ayuso’s objective is “to promote Madrid as a center for musical creation in Spanish”. The offer came during the first work meeting of the trip made by the regional president to Miami (USA), to attract foreign investment, as explained by the Community of Madrid.

Díaz Ayuso also pointed out the importance of “studying what kind of people go to Madrid, what style of music they are looking for and programming the cultural offer based on that data”. In addition, he considered it necessary to search for new sites that can host concerts with between 1,000 and 4,000 spectators and give the option to the development of new artists, according to Servimedia.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso was in favor of enabling other spaces for 15,000 spectators, along the lines of the Wizink Center, where shows are already being held. She highlighted the commitment to attract music festivals, as the regional government has recently done with Primavera Sound, which now shares headquarters with Barcelona.