Donald Trump’s administration has been marked by a steady stream of resignations and dismissals. Thursday’s announcement that secretary of defense Jim Mattis says up and shook both of Washington, like other capitals.

word for Word: Jim Mattis avgångsbrev

considered to another senior person in the american administration, central bank director Jerome Powell.

According to four government sources to news agency Bloomberg to be the president in the last week ”several times,” private have discussed the possibility to kick Powell. Trump is upset that the central bank, the Fed, on Wednesday for the fourth time this year raised its key interest rate.

That central banks may act independently, without influence from the politicians, it is considered essential to a modern country’s economy to function well. Already the ruling politicians have views on the interest rate decisions are usually criticized.

Adviser to Trump has warned him that an attempt to unseat the chairman of the Fed could have devastating consequences for the financial markets, because investors would distrust the central bank’s ability to lubricate the economic wheels and without regard to short-term political interests.

New York-the stock market has just experienced its worst week since 2011, with a fall of 7.1 per cent.

as Bloomberg spoke with say they hope he doesn’t make the reality of his desire. They mean that his anger in the best of cases, runs of during the weekends.

Representatives of both the White house that the Fed has declined to comment on the matter.

It is not clear what powers Trump has to kick the Fed-head. In the relevant text of the law is clear that the president can ”remove” the members of the executive board. The president is one of these, but the wording of the president is legally ambiguous, according to legal experts.