With the latest forecast shows a substantial reduction of the housing construction. At the same time, a housing shortage in more than 240 municipalities. Above all, there is a critical need for rental housing that is affordable for middle and low income earners.

The public housing would be glad to help it build more, but when we act up project we get few or no bids, and the bids we receive is very high.

By ramupphandlingar, businesses can recall the turnkey house to a fixed price that is up to 25 per cent below the market price. The houses are called kombohus and is available in several different designs, from around the block to less kompletteringshus.

But the work of the kombohusen is not enough. Therefore decided to Sabo in 2015, to broaden the construction market by making a bet to get into foreign construction companies and thus increase competition.

Sabo has now had review all tenders for turnkey projects for the construction of housing to public housing from January 2015 to October 2018. it is encouraging that the proportion of bids from foreign contractors has increased and that the foreign tenders generally keeps prices lower than the Swedish tenders.

The average price per apartment in the foreign bids were 1.32 million sek – compared to 1,89 million in the domestic tenders.

It is admittedly difficult to compare offers between different contracts, despite the fact that all refers to the plant of newly built homes. But even if you compare the tenders in the same procurement is the foreign tenders clearly lower.

Between 2015 and 2017, the increased the price per apartment with 69 percent of the winning tenders. For the whole period was the increase of 48 per cent.

the Construction industry tend to blame the high cost of construction in Sweden depends on the building regulations, high standard requirements and land prices, but our review shows that public sector housing tender prices have rushed in height without the rules and requirements have changed.

the Construction industry tend to blame the high cost of construction in Sweden depends on the building regulations, high standard requirements and land prices, but our review shows that public sector housing tender prices have rushed in height without the rules and requirements have changed. In the offer prices are not included, nor land.

Only every ninth foreign tender has won a procurement process in which other companies submitted bids.

Despite the competitive prices wins thus foreign bidders only a small percentage of the procurements and their tenders will be disqualified more often than the domestic. This shows that there still are major structural obstacles for foreign contractors to compete in and win procurement contracts in Sweden. Whether this is because procurement systems, language problems, legislation, cultural differences, bias against foreign contractors, or anything else is difficult to know. Our conclusion is in all cases to work with to facilitate for the foreign contractors in Sweden have to continue.

It is all about finding small and medium-sized Swedish construction companies who believe in the public interest that idea, that we are there for all. In addition, get them to understand that public housing is based, regardless of the current state of the economy and the security of public housing will remain when it starts to blow on the market.

There are few lights on the horizon when it comes to public sector housing opportunities to build housing that many people can afford to demand, but we will never give up. Sabo will continue to work for increased competition, increased productivity, and pressed byggpriser by broadening the scope of the construction market, ramupphandla kombohus and provide a range of house types for standardized contracts. But more people need help to:

1 national housing Board must develop rules for a national authorisation of the technical requirements for the production house , so that these do not need to be re-assessed by each municipality in which the houses are to be built.

2 the Fca has identified three areas that need to be examined : How anbudskonkurrensen can be improved in the public procurement of construction, how the competition within the building materials industry really works and how local särkrav effect on competition and the housing. The government should initiate this work as soon as possible.

3 Construction industry must become much better at delivering competitive tenders on levels that we can build the rental housing that many people have the opportunity to ask. For success, we need the industry to work more cost-effective and seriously take hold in the development of productivity.

4 the State need to work towards a common nordic building regulations , which can be extended to a market around the Baltic sea and, by extension, for the whole of Europe. It creates the conditions for more people to work repetitive, reaching greater volumes, which not only has a positive impact on productivity, but is also a basis for better competition.