Sometimes means a name everything. In this case, the name Sergei Magnitsky has been synonymous throughout the world with how to combat the violation of human rights in the 2000s. His sacrifice made a strong impression on the champions of human rights around the globe. Laws made and given to his name has led to serious consequences for the people in the whole world that violated human rights.

Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer who sacrificed his 37-year-old’s life when he took on the corruption in the Putin regime. It happened when the Russian government attempted to cover up the murder of him became a global symbol of impunity and kleptocracy will. It is, therefore, that the news of the Magnitsky heroic self-sacrifice were spread across all borders and spoke to everyone everywhere.

, has become the symbol of the fight against impunity and kleptocracy will in the whole world. In the 2000s, there are many attacks on human rights for personal financial gain. One of the most effective ways to create impact is, therefore, to aim at these people’s fortunes placed abroad and their travel.

There can be no impunity for the generals in Myanmar who persecute Rohinjas or for dealers who violate the embargo against arms sales to south Sudan, or for the rapists in the central African republic, or for those who murdered the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

There can be no impunity for the generals in Myanmar who persecute Rohinjas or for dealers who violate the embargo against arms sales to south Sudan, or for the rapists in the central African republic, or for those who murdered the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

It is why the idea of a Magnitskijlag, who was awakened by a Russian horrör, now is a global thought. People who violated human rights in saudi Arabia, Nicaragua, south Sudan, Myanmar and many other countries are already subject to sanctions in accordance with Magnitskijlagar in six countries: the united states, Canada, the Uk, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

We must make a Magnitskijlag for the whole of the EU. Already in 2014, the EUROPEAN parliament visa prohibition regulation and förmögenhetsfrysning for those who were responsible for the murder of Magnitsky. Only a few countries took up this proposal. The european council did not act, but now this initiative finally get a hearing.

In the summer formulated the Dutch government a concrete proposal that is now on the referral of all EU countries. This is precisely what is needed, the ability to decide whether global sanctions – with a glaring exception. The Dutch government has not yet named the act after Magnitsky. They claim that Magnitsky’s name in any way makes it harder to pilot the proposal through the EU machine since some EU countries have sympathies for Russia.

We believe that our members of the EUROPEAN union is stronger than that, that they would not put their veto against a law on human rights only for its name’s sake, but will adopt it because they support human rights throughout the world. Whatever the negotiations leading to, we will always call it the Wednesday.

that is why we parliamentarians and legislators from 18 member countries appeal to our governments to strengthen the EU’s position as a beacon for human rights and international law. We appeal to our governments that they should vote for a european Magnitskijlag who have a global perspective.

We appeal to them to honor Magnitsky’s name and to fight impunity in the whole world. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Human rättighetsdagen and 70-anniversary of the Declaration of human rights.