today we are conservatives our budgetmotion, anchored in the common reform agenda as the Alliance’s parties went to the election on.

It is a budget that takes hold of our societal problems in the here and now. We take the conservatives and the liberal reforms from words to action. Sweden has an interim government, but no övergångsriksdag. Important decisions can’t wait.

the Swedish economy has for several years been booming. At the same time as political reforms, in principle, stood absolutely still. According to the national institute of economic Research reaches the Swedish economy has its peak in the year, and GDP growth slows down next year. Sweden is worse equipped than we should.

We are investing a total of sek 18 billion on defense during the period 2019-2021, of which three billion added to the already 2019. Escalation to the defence investments of 2 percent of gdp starting.

With our budget, we give Sweden a new direction, one that breaks with the past years reformtrötthet and political leftward shift.

The coming years is expected Sweden to have lower growth per capita than almost all other EU countries. This is despite the fact that there are many factors speaking for Sweden: a well-trained and technologyvan population, an innovative business and significant investment in research and development.

Sweden is a small export-dependent and cyclical economy. We are particularly vulnerable in a turbulent world economy. Stable state finances – where the surplus target is to be protected for the bad times – together with reforms for higher employment and stronger growth, therefore, is the obvious base for the conservatives economic policies.

the long-term strengthening of Sweden’s competitiveness requires also an efficient and ambitious climate policy. Sweden shall be a leading country and the Conservatives is therefore concentrating on climate research and infrastructure for a zero carbon society. At the same time, the international climate change process to be strengthened.

Sweden’s tillväxtutmaningar must also be seen in the light of increased international competition. The cost of a policy that punishes entrepreneurship and work, education and effort are becoming ever higher. Sweden needs policies that make it easier for business and entrepreneurship. It is a long-term task in which the later years of large tax increases and attacks on whole industries must come to an end.

Sweden’s long-term growth capability-based not least on the fact that we are a country where it pays to work and to select the most demanding courses. Today’s high marginal tax rates punish those who do it. What we cannot afford. Therefore, we propose that fewer to pay high marginal tax rates. We also want to during the term of office to take steps to abolish the värnskatten. The principle of ”half left” had broad support thirty years ago. It should be even today.

Those who can and want to work should also make it. So it is not in the day. Bidragsförsörjning leads to exclusion, but also to lower growth and higher taxes. Therefore, we increase the earned income tax credit so that it pays better for more to go from the contribution to the work. A tripling RUT-deduction helps to create more easier job.

But it should also pay to have worked. In our budget, all pensioners, lower taxes, including the million pensioners who have the lowest pension. Our tax cut for pensioners amounts to 5.8 billion in 2019 and we want to reduce taxes further for Sweden’s pensioners during the term of office.

The basic social contract between state and citizens, based on reciprocity. Citizens expect that the government maintains law, order and security in society. See to it that there are good welfare services in health and education, and trusted financial security when you can’t work. For all this we pay the tax.

There are more and more signs that the social contract is failing. Polistätheten has fallen to the lowest level in ten years. Waiting times have doubled. Every sixth pupil leaves the school without a full score.

development must now be broken. The state must cope with their basic tasks. As long as it does not have otherwise given a lower priority or removed.

We are investing a total of sek 18 billion on defense during the period 2019-2021 , of which three billion added to the already 2019. Escalation to the defence investments of 2 percent of gdp starting.

We are reinforcing the Police to increase the number of police services with 10 000 to 2024. the Important parts of this is increased polislöner and paid police training.

Our proposal will increase accessibility to healthcare no matter where you live. We are strengthening the kunskapsfokus in the school, with more hours and more teaching assistants.

2019, we are increasing resources to the welfare of the five billion kronor to Sweden’s municipalities and county councils. When it comes to supplementation after 2019, so they will be subject to all of the municipalities use the money efficiently and is working for the reduction of the bidragskostnader and better integration.

Sweden should be an equal society with good cohesion. We do not accept exclusion and segregation. The work-first principle will apply to all, the school should be the springboard for social mobility, as do all the children get their own chances, and those who are new arrivals to learn Swedish language and to enter in our society.

But Sweden is also a country with long distances. The previous government’s increases in the tax on fuel hits hard. We want to abolish the överindexeringen of motor fuel taxes and is now taking steps in that direction. We put the red-green government dieselskattehöjning on the farm. We take new steps for a good infrastructure throughout the country, with increased resources for road and railway maintenance and investments in broadband infrastructure.

We conservatives want a parliamentary inquiry to create a long-term, sustainable and widely-respected migration policy. Until a new permanent legislation is in place need to the temporary law, which expires in July next year, extended. This can’t wait.

the Migration policy is also an important part of integration policy. How new arrivals integrate into the Swedish society will characterize the Sweden for a long time. It is a matter of course. The jobs and the language is absolutely crucial parts in this. We want to have a special språkförskola for the children who grow up in families that do not speak Swedish.

It must be a long term and sustained work. There are no simple and quick solutions to long-term, to increase growth or re-establish the social contract.

the Conservatives budgetmotion reflection of the bourgeois policy that can give Sweden a new direction.