A seemingly small rule change prepared for the operators of charging stations for electric vehicles with major problems. From 1. April must be such pillars calibration law compliant. This means that you have to have special measurement systems, which record how much electricity and when, and at what time an E-loaded drivers to a charging station. The price regulation also provides that the kilowatt hours will be billed.

The idea for the new scheme is quite useful: Before the E-car drivers put the plug in his vehicle, he should know what it is the kilowatt-hour of electricity costs. The people had demanded, especially consumer advocates: “A single billing to the kilowatt-hour creates comparability and transparency – and this means, in turn, confidence in electric mobility”, from the Federation of German consumer organisations.

The rule change is likely to have drastic consequences for the industry. Some operators are even planning to ignore the rules and thus not yet assessed legal risks, such as days mirror-Background-show research. Because the costs of switching are high, with a Software changeover, it is not done.

location for the AC charger a little better

What is the calibration law means reform, specifically for the rates for E-cars? Session Fees, so a flat rate charge per load, as offered by Ionity, for example, is currently in its fast-loaders, are, at least in the opinion of the legal adviser in the Federal Ministry of economy – 1. April in this country is inadmissible.

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The location for the AC charger (AC) is a little better than the quick charger with DC power. The for AC of the necessary conversions are now technically no Problem. Initially the energy supplier Innogy for a long time was the only operator whose charging stations could provide a statutory-calibration-compliant payroll. In the meantime, the competent Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) has certified at least three other solutions, with which such a measurement is possible, including one of the Sauerländer system manufacturer Mennekes, and can therefore look forward on large orders Charge.

Many operators can’t make it to April

The retrofitting of already installed charging points will take, many operators will not make it to April. The Federal economy has established the Ministry of: According to an internal document from the Ministry, the daily mirror Background, there are some suppliers with a larger inventory, which will be the retrofitting until the end of the year.

A large Problem charging stations, which are not statutory-calibration compliant convertible. There are, according to information from the Ministry 2566 facilities with two charging points and 1081 with a charging point. Legally, you have to be in April. Providers that operate such charging stations, committing an offence, you criminal payments threaten.

Tricky situation at quickly

chargers For fast charge, the Situation is even trickier. The complains about Ionity, the network of Charging equipment for the car manufacturers BMW, Daimler, Ford and Volkswagen. “Since it is up to the 1.4. still no technical possibility to measure the calibration law compliant DC current, it is also Ionity not possible to meet the requirement,“ said a spokesman for the fast-charging network.

in the medium term, will improve the situation, several companies have announced, calibration law-compliant DC-to develop a loader. So LEM the authorizing authority PTB made a corresponding commitment. A further four manufacturers expect in the course of the second quarter of a positive decision.

But even if there are technical solutions, they mean high additional costs for the charging network operators. Depending on the load power can be estimated in the case of fast chargers between 600 and 2500 Euro for the retrofit of a charging station.

how Much is the total cost to the industry is unclear. A high million amount is there at least, that’s for sure, but more accurately classify which burden, in view of the extremely complex Situation.

do not Press the vendor can, as a further extension of the deadline for the suspension of the Eichrechts and of price regulation. As a justification, it also means in circles of the German Federal Ministry of Economics: “Ultimately punishes the companies that have gone in the field of electric mobility as pioneers.” This should be prevented.

charging station operator to go to the risk

the operators have To fear a wave of lawsuits? It won’t come to expect industry experts. The competent Landeseich and price authorities seem to turn a blind eye. For AC charging pillars of the old Generation, there could be more exceptions. The same applies to the already installed quick charger, which can be due to a lack of measurement even in a timely manner to refit.

The template of a letter of intent and a retrofit plan to the competent verification authorities and is expected to be rich in order to escape the threat of administrative procedures.

As long as there are flat rates?

it is Unclear what the hand have clients from 1. April. Some operators are currently offering flat rates per load or per-minute rates, would not comment on the demand of the daily mirror Background to your changeover plans and possible new Tariffs.

Behind closed doors, it means: To be willing to risk a lawsuit. Others want to change their tariffs in the coming weeks, including Ionity, is how to listen.

According to Simon shepherd-Stradowsky from the Institute for climate protection, energy and mobility (IKEM) is the uncertainty for the charging station operator, a Disaster. “In the last decade, several hundred million euros were invested in the Expansion of the charging infrastructure,” he says. “Without first ensuring that the tax money of the installed charging stations are calibration law compliant.”

verification compliant – ready for the demolition?

In the case of a strict enforcement of some threatens from April of the demolition. “However, the Federal Ministry of economic Affairs has produced to date, no legal security for the operators,” criticized Schaefer Stradowsky. “It’s similar to a state of failure, similar to the diesel crisis.”

criticism of the price regulation also comes from a different corner: Claas Bracklo doubted, whether the kilowatt-hours of accurate billing for the customers is actually the best way. For the mobile phone have proven to be also a Mix of flexible Tariffs, and flat rates, said the BMW Manager at the auto industry Association VDA is responsible for electric mobility, some time ago, the “VDI-Nachrichten”.

Bracklo: “We need time to develop intelligent, affordable and industry-compatible solutions, which are valid also for the whole of Europe.” In the world no one have anyway of understanding.

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Henrik Mortsiefer Matthias Schlegel Jens Tartler, Patrick Reichelt

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