Almost half of the insect species in the world in terms of numbers massively. This emerges from a new study published in the journal “Biological Conservation”. The authors warn of a “catastrophic collapse of natural Ecosystems”. In Bavaria, the request for a people found now craving for insect protection massive support in the population. This Initiative aims at Changes in the nature protection legislation. However, how big the Problem actually is – and what can you do?

How far is the insects die is already advanced?

“to Die” is actually the wrong term. The Problem lies in the fact that the animals are prevented, in normal dimensions, breed and grow up. The reasons for this are not clear to the last. It is clear, however, that the loss of habitat also plays a role, such as insecticide and other chemicals as well as diseases spread through global trade.

in fact, there are almost everywhere in the world, with measurable declines in the number of insects and species of insects on the other. The current study found that the biomass of insects is currently taking a year to 2.5 percent.

in this Country for all – or, at least, for all drivers – in the sense of the word experience, is the decline in the so-called “wind protection disc phenomenon”: a Lot less insects than even a few years ago to find an end to the grille and windshield of motor vehicles.

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has been Criticized so far that methodologically sound studies would lack the true extent of the insects dying. It is significant that one of the most important and most cited studies by leisure researchers comes. Those at the “Krefelder study” took place – especially, but not only in natural areas close to the city on the lower Rhine, partly dramatic declines of individual species.

At 7. and 8. November last year, met entomologist in Bonn by the Federal Agency for nature conservation organized the conference. Strong declines are observed, in all previously studied groups of Insects, the Hymenoptera, flies, beetles and butterflies in protected areas. Caddis flies, whose larvae build up in the water, earth, wood, stone and Sand often bizarre homes, and were sad leaders. With 96 percent of its species, the experts noted significant declines.

What are the consequences for humans and the environment?

insects are not the only pollinators, and thus for the reproduction of countless species of plants is essential. You can also play in the food web overall, an outstanding role. For example, the vast majority of bird species in need of, or at least for the offspring of Protein from insects and insect larvae.

so It is not surprising that parallel to the insect’s decline in recent years, the number of bird-breeding pairs has decreased significantly in Germany. A total of ecological equilibria are heavily affected by what may have at first glance a contradiction appears to follow: So it can come about to mosquitoes, plague – so even a Surplus of certain insects, and because of the General insects in the absence of swallows or Swifts not enough to continue to plants and then not enough mosquitoes destroy. Many other groups of animals that feed at least partly of insects and their larvae of wasps and dragonflies, fish and amphibians to mammals.

insects also play an important role in the material cycle. Many of them use dead animal and vegetable biomass as a food, so that the soils remain fertile, and help to eliminate waste. In addition, members of this class of Animal in many parts of the world are also an important and compared to beef and pork ecologically and economically useful Protein source for people.

What is the role of agriculture?

One of the ironies in the context of the insects dying is that exactly the area of the economy that needs it most – the agriculture – carries probably the main culprit. Intensive crop and livestock biodiversity, minimize breeding on huge surfaces, for that reason alone, because there are only a few species of plants grow, and these provide most of the insects have no food. In addition, the evidence that modern agro-chemicals may be harmful to members of this animal group greatly accumulate.

insects for the agriculture are important as pollinators, even if there are many crops, such as potatoes, do not get along when it comes to breeding – without you. In fact, the naturally occurring pollinators are now in many areas – the can honey become bee, wild bees, beetles, butterflies, moths, and even members of other sub – groups to be so rare that the farmers must help massively.

In the US, for example, is the flowering time, the following nation-wide carts of millions of peoples honey phone almond orchards to bees, such as to potash, a billion-dollar business. In South America, the farmers pollinate your passion fruit plants, in the meantime, often by Hand, because the wood bees that do this usually lack. In Germany, a couple of insect experts have, for the in the research, no Jobs (see below), with the propagation of wild bees lucrative livelihoods to be built. You sell the cocoons with the larvae of these very efficient pollinators, especially of fruit farmers. The importance of insects to agriculture goes far beyond the pollination. Many species are natural enemies of pests or contribute to the loosening and nutrient enrichment of the soil.

What can you do?

At the beginning of the effective measures against the insects die more targeted research. Because so far, important questions are unresolved. To the, precisely how certain chemicals on insects, or, why the insects are dying, obviously, before territories does not stop, the protection status.

here there is a big Problem, because insects research, and insect ecology in the world, and specifically restricted in Germany at universities in the past decades. This leads to the fact that the insect experts “extinction”. Political support for the training of professionals and the assurance of job prospects for this would be an important factor.

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special: insects die Summer, come back soon

Richard Friebe

Otherwise, it is safe to say that in spite of the losses in natural areas protection and expansion of habitats important to you. In addition, the use of certain chemicals in agriculture should be regulated more. Here, too, much research is still necessary to be able to make the right decisions. A farming practice that uses less or no pesticides to local conditions it is adjusted and still have the necessary income, must be the goal. General prohibitions of all suspects insecticides and other pesticides is not recommended, as this prices, massive crop failures, and especially in poorer countries, to unacceptable food, and thus Hunger could result.