Almost every third person unemployed in Germany can’t afford a survey, according to a regular full meal. About 21 million Germans found themselves in 2017 in addition, in the position to manage unexpected expenses in the amount of 1000 Euro. the

In the case of a EU-survey have not indicated 30.3 percent of unemployed in Germany to have enough money to eat every second day fully. In 2014, the share of the unemployed, money for regular full meals was missing was, with nearly 33 percent higher. As the reported the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, in Germany, a total of 5.14 million people from the age of 16 affected by the Problem.

in Addition, a third of all citizens over the age of 16 in Germany (30.4 percent) did not see the survey in 2017, will be able to manage unexpected expenses in the amount of 1000 euros from its own financial resources, such as a car repair or a new washing machine.

Nearly 16 percent of all households lacked, moreover, claims to money, to drive a year for a week in the holidays. This proportion has fallen according to the report, in the past few years. In 2014, he was over 21 percent.

“poverty in Germany is not a marginal phenomenon”

The Figures come from the EU database, SILC, has evaluated the Federal Statistical office at the request of the left party in the Bundestag. They are based on the self-assessment of the households surveyed. In Germany, approximately three million households on welfare, from poverty of about 15 million Germans are threatened by the Federal Statistical office, according to even. The panels in Germany complaining for years about Congestion, they provide about 1.5 million people with food.

the Left-social expert, Sabine Zimmermann, called the Figures alarming. “Poverty in Germany is not a marginal phenomenon, but across the population,” she said of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung and demanded of the Federal government, “a comprehensive approach to poverty reduction”. A minimum wage of twelve euros, the deletion of the property for no reason with a time limit, as well as the lifting of sanctions for Hartz IV recipients belong to. In addition, the pension level should be raised to 53 percent.