The former Audi executives should answer in the USA, due to exhaust tampering before the court. You high face imprisonment should they on the process.

The U.S. Department of justice, the authorities want to drag in the exhaust gas scandal of the Volkswagen group now also alleged to be Responsible from Audi to be accountable. Against four Ex-employees of the VW subsidiary indictment was issued, as the competent court in Detroit, announced on Thursday (local time). The accused, according to the indictment, former senior executives at Audi, for example, for the motors and diesel development. The former Board of management Chairman Rupert Stadler is not among them.

has been committed to The men is accused of being part of a nearly decade-long conspiracy had been in the targeted Manipulation of emissions tests against U.S. environmental laws and fraud to customers. VW had given in September of 2015, under pressure from the US authorities, with the help of a special Software in a large scale is the measurement of emission values distorted. The group was later offered a plea of guilty before the court.

In a U.S. process would threaten the defendant’s Ex-Audi employees stiff penalties. Two former VW employees have already been convicted of complicity in the Diesel-scandal-over three and seven years in prison. None of the accused appeared before the court, which means that the men are in custody. Perhaps you are like a number of other defendants including Ex-VW boss Martin Winterkorn in Germany, where there is no immediate delivery is imminent.

At the group level has completed the VW and the legal processing of the exhaust gas affair in the USA to some of the more expensive compromises with the authorities and private class action plaintiffs to a large extent. The group had to pay because of the scandal, high penalties, and has recorded for comparisons in North America, about 25 billion euros in legal costs. The U.S. Department of justice, however, had already made it clear that the matter is not were in order and the investigations against the responsible heads behind the fraud to continue.