in Addition to the major reforms of the euro zone, the government of Emmanuel Macron has flown the flag of the call-rate Google in order to avoid that the tech giants are sheltering in jurisdictions most advantageous for tax purposes to circumvent the haciendas of the state. His proposal, however, has been met with resistance from a group of countries formed by Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. At the last minute on Monday night, France and Germany agreed on a new proposal to tie an agreement in the Ecofin council today, which consists of taxing only the business of the publicidadonline from 2021 if there is agreement at the global level.

The initial proposal of Austria, which holds the rotating presidency of the EU, was based on that formulated by the European Commission. This was fixing a rate of 3% on the billing of digital platforms with a turnover of more than eur 750 million worldwide and 50 million in Europe. That tribute affected companies that were dedicated to advertising, intermediaries and companies engaged in the sale of data.


Ireland and the nordic countries block the rate Google european France offers apply temporarily the rate digital to recover the support of Berlin

The initiative was driven by the five large countries (Uk, Germany, France, Italy and Spain). However, Germany began to falter. His Finance minister, Olaf Scholz, stated that the rate was justified at the global level, and hesitated about the advisability of applying it to business Ultrabet data. France made two offers: first, put a ‘sunset clause’ clause (sunset) to which the european tax is to disappear when there is a project in the framework of the OECD. When not to convince Germany, made another, which was that the tax would go into effect in 2021 if the OECD countries had not reached any agreement.

countries would be free to set a more broad-based

Germany accepted the proposal by dragging the feet. It also convinced countries sceptical about the tribute, such as Belgium or Luxembourg. But Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark rejected the rate with two arguments: it didn’t make sense if it is not adopted all over the world and, by taxing the benefits, we ran the risk of penalizing companies in losses, which could be a hurdle to innovation.

France and Germany reaffirmed their “determination” to secure an imposition of “fair and effective” for the technology that contriuya to the “modernization” of the tax systems and asked the Commission to correct its draft directive to tax only to the advertising companies with a tax of 3% and the Council to adopt, prior to march 2019 at the very latest. In this way, companies like Amazon would be saved from the tax, while that Facebook or Google would come within the radius of the tribute. The directive, however, would not prevent those states that wished could set a tax on a broader base.