The Bicycle Boom in Germany: sales have increased in the past year, thanks to the Trend for the Pedelec and electric Bicycle. Conventional two-wheelers have grown in the price neat.

The Germans continue to move on two wheels: This is the conclusion of the sales figures of bicycles from the year 2018 at least. The Institute for trade research (IFH Köln) and the trade Advisory BBE have determined in a study that in Germany in the past year, the number of bicycles to two million to over 75.5 million pieces is increased. Of these, 4.5 million E-Bikes.

The Bicycle business, including sale of accessories and wheel components grew compared to the previous year to 11.9 percent. “This is the strongest increase since calculations began in 1995,” said the German Federal Statistical office.

imports from Hungary, Vietnam and the Netherlands

customers bought, 2018 in Germany, like electric bikes and Pedelecs.

A large share of the increase in sales of powered bicycles have electric. Sales grew in 2018, 15.8 percent to nearly 4.2 billion euros. Growth drivers for the E-Bikes were there, once more, with an increase of 23.8 percent.

Alone 888.000 this electric wheels with a capacity of up to 250 watts were imported last year, according to Germany. This represents an increase of 32.3 percent. Many Pedelecs and E-Bikes come from Hungary, Vietnam and the Netherlands.