The job center has the right to refuse recipients of Hartz-IV-services to the covers. In contrast, 2018 thousands have Affected fought back, often with success.

recipients of Hartz IV can fight back, often successfully, however, when the job centre removes the benefits. The response of the Federal government to a request of the left party revealed that in the past year, almost every second contradiction, or any second suit against refusals was successful.

In the government’s reply, the cases are recorded, in which the unemployed, the permission had been revoked on Hartz IV, but, for example, because the persons Concerned could not provide an opinion that some of them incapacity.

46 per cent of all contradictions successfully

laid, Therefore, in 2018, approximately 17,700 people against the decision of the jobcenter contradiction – in 8100 cases, you to success. A ratio of 46 percent. In the case of the 1200 complaints against the complete rejection of the Hartz-IV-services 500 plaintiff got right, and thus 42 percent. Either a court ruled in their favor, or the Jobcenter drew.

The Chairman of the left party, Katja Kipping, has warned that the elimination of services would exactly meet the people who would already be “living from Hand to mouth”. They threatened to slide into a “debt spiral with devastating consequences”. That’s why Kipping also urged to examine the so-called obligation of Hartz-IV recipients.