Family Offices are becoming an increasingly popular option for high-net-worth individuals and their families. Setting up and running a Family Office in Cyprus can be a complex process. It is important to clearly understand the various legal and tax implications involved. This article will summarize the key steps involved in setting up and running a Family Office in Cyprus. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide on how to set up and run a family office in Cyprus.

1. What is a Family Office?

A Family Office is a private financial institution that allows high net worth individuals and their families to manage their wealth. They offer unique tax advantages and allow for more control over investment decisions.

2. The Benefits of Setting Up a Family Office in Cyprus.

There are many benefits to setting up a Family Office in Cyprus. These include:

Tax advantages: A Family Office can provide significant tax benefits, including reduced income and capital gains taxes, as well as reduced estate taxes.

  • Control over investment decisions: A Family Office allows high net worth individuals and their families to make more informed investment decisions.
  • Privacy and confidentiality: A Family Office is a private institution, so it offers privacy and confidentiality.

3.What services does a family office offer?

Besides traditional services, a family office can provide Management of investments and estate planning Tax management, and legal advice. This allows you to avoid paying fees for multiple advisors or managers who do not work together on your behalf. It also allows you to have access to other families that are in similar situations. For example, if one family has a high-risk tolerance, another may have a low-risk tolerance. We work with multiple families to provide this level of oversight and management.

4.Function of a family office in Cyprus?

Most family offices’ investment management function is likely their most important service. Without a doubt, one of the most beneficial components of a family office’s investment role is the formulation of an investment strategy/policy that encompasses the wide range of assets often held by UHNW families.

Because a family office has access to an unrivaled database of information on family members, it is in a unique position to assess the family’s needs and decide the optimum asset allocation for both individual family members and the entire family.

Frequently, the family’s complex financial demands cause the hiring of many investment managers, each of whom is entrusted with a small amount of the family’s fortune. The final product.


Cyprus is the most attractive place for a residence for the rich people, because of its taxes and living costs. Cyprus is the most attractive place for a residence for the rich people, because of its taxes and living costs. The total number of persons who have a taxable income over €500,000 has increased by 41% in 2013 compared to 2012, while in other European countries it has increased by 1-3%.