In the Endless Saga of the crash of maturity, Alitalia has played a new main cast member in the foreground. Eleven months ago, Luigi Di Maio (32), had just taken the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of industry, drew the case of the eternal broke candidates. His aim is to set himself as the Savior of the crisis of the enterprise in the scene, came closer, the party chief of the Cinque point. Last week, he had to extend for the fourth Time, the deadline for the submission of a takeover offer.

Because emergency responders, the support to Di Maios Plan of a re-nationalization of the Roman airline, rar. Not only the Lufthansa preferred to withdraw from the political poker.

a Good two weeks before the European elections, the standstill Di Maio brings in an awkward position. The state-owned railway group Ferrovie dello Stato, the Ministry of Finance and the U.S. Delta Airlines, which is interested in the Integration of the North-Atlantic flights in the Alliance Sky Team, declared themselves ready, with a total of 60 per cent in the case of Alitalia to enter. All attempts to get a Partner for the remaining 40 per cent on Board, failed. Di Maio is running now out of time.

New peak nachdrei nearly bankruptcy

two years Ago, the then government of Alitalia granted a bridging loan of 900 million euros to the operation of the aircraft to maintain. Previously, the Arab airline Etihad was the failure of the Alitalia restructuring. So three of the state administrator appointed to find a new owner. The repayment date for the state’s emergency loan has been postponed several times. Until the new government abolished the obligation to reimburse now by a decree from the world.

once Again, Italy’s taxpayers to write off your money. You have kept the “flying” money destruction machine with 8 billion euros at the life. Since the beginning of last year, Alitalia has made 700 million Euro loss.

will not complete If the sale procedures as swiftly as possible would be the commissioners only in Liquidation of the company, said bankruptcy Trustee Daniele Discepolo in March before the parliamentary Committee. A resolution of the insolvent airline would be an embarrassment for Deputy Prime Di Maio, whose popularity is falling in the polls steadily. He had promised the 11000 Alitalia employees their jobs.

And so the Drama is aiming to Alitalia after the almost bankruptcy of 2008, 2014 and 2017 to a new climax. In desperation, Di Maio wooing the private infrastructure group Atlantia, controlled by the industrial dynasty Benetton around Luciano Benetton. After the collapse of the highway bridge Morandi in Genoa on 14. August 2018, had the government the hard-to-rich family of accused 43 people.

The Benetton’s are the main shareholder of toll company Autostrade per l’italia, which operates more than 3,000 kilometres of toll motorway network, including the stretch of the A10 where the collapsed Morandi-bridge. Twenty-four hours after the collapse, transport Minister Danilo Toninelli had found the culprit. On Facebook, the Cinque demanded a point-man for the resignation of Atlantia CEO Giovanni Castellucci. He also announced the withdrawal of the operating license. We strive for a forced nationalization of the highway operator, said Di Maio at the time. True, the government did not make any of their threats.

to rehabilitate From the “absolutely Evil”to the sought-after Savior

Now you will be a cool design. Nine months ago, the family business was “the absolute Evil”, today, Di Maio would entrust to you the Alitalia rescue. Atlantia is to make the restart of the missing 300 million euros loose. However, the company’s CEO Castellucci waved. “We are currently tied to so many open fronts, that we can’t even think of a commitment in a complex matter such as Alitalia,” he said recently at the annual General meeting.

The surprising turn of brings back memories of the crash-landing, the Silvio Berlusconi in 2008, has experienced with his rescue attempt. Shortly before the elections, the then Prime sabotaged the sale of Alitalia to Air France, and urged a chain of Italian companies to the Acquisition. The thing went wrong. The Benetton’s were one of the party, lost at the time of your use of 300 million euros.

Eleven years later, the question arises: Can afford the highly-indebted Italy the luxury of an Airline that makes a daily 1.4 million Euro loss? Now the government can do much to help Castellucci from its blockage situation: Atlantia would like to for a long time 6 billion euros in the construction of a Ring motorway in Genoa and in the widening of the A14, near Bologna, riding invest. The Minister of transport denied but permits. Also the struggle for the withdrawal of the concession for the operation of the highways has not yet been settled. Especially since the collapse of the reasons for this are unclear. There would definitely be to talk with the government.

That Di Maio, the deadline for purchase offers now up to 15. June has been extended, shows that the government is seeking dialogue. He takes back his deserts accusations against the Benetton family and paves Atlantia the way to the Alitalia boarding, he loses his face. He does not, he must send the airline in bankruptcy.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.05.2019, 21:40 PM