scientific-Secretary of state Steffen noise want to speak with the Executive Board of the Charité, the teaching of practical methods of pregnancy termination in medical school. The practice of abortion, yet at the Berlin University medical center as well as most other locations nationwide.
The criticised, such as the Berlin-based student group “Medical Students for Choice”, the Workshops in which termination methods can be learned under the guidance of Gynaecologists reported. Model of an eponymous US group, which comes from the “Pro Choice movement” for the reproductive right to self-determination of women. Young doctors in this country know too little crashes – one reason for this is that the number of practices and clinics that perform abortions, decreases steadily.
what’s New Lectures in the new Semester
In Charité-seminars have been treated so far, only the legal and ethical aspects of termination of pregnancy for prenatal diagnosis. In the summer semester of the previous seminar will be replaced now, as announced by several mandatory events, such as the response noise to a request of the Deputy Tobias Schulze (Left). In the Curriculum, a Seminar in the future to “legal requirements and socio-political implications of abortion”. It will be supplemented by two electronic Lectures on “ethical aspects of abortion in prenatal medicine,” and “prenatal medicine”.
However, “the Learning of the execution of pregnancy” abortions, according to the Charité continues to be “the subject of medical training,” it says. The Senate office of science, wool record now in discussions with the Executive Board of the Charité, writes Secretary of state of noise in its response. The Deputy Schulze hopes in a statement on its website that in the future, “aspiring Doctors will give more Knowledge and confidence in dealing with this issue”.
students are again calling on the “medical aspects”
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admission to medical school, Ministers of education of new criteria for medical studies
Anja Kühne
see in the advanced Curriculum a success of your campaign. Thus, representatives were heard inside the group in the study Committee of the Charité. Now, however, “the medical aspects would have to occupy a reasonable space in the medical studies”, you are asking for. The group uses, among other things, that the “Papaya workshop” by Charité-medical Doctors and Doctors will be supported. Students are expected to practice in a Papaya fruit that is similar in shape and size of a uterus, how to suction the pregnancy tissue with a vacuum pump.