The caviar is in the back of the room, in the cooling system. This may be a coincidence, that the customer is first introduced to toilet paper, sprats, Hercules oatmeal for Breakfast porridge and canned milk, you need to Fill the pancakes here are absolutely, over – the things of everyday needs. And that he achieved only what are in Siberia luxury goods: meat, sausage, Apples.

but it is more Likely that in a business like this has nothing to obtain without Considered its place. Who will make it all the way up here and still have money left, you can also buy in Russia discounters Swetofor a small plastic Cup with a red or black caviar. He knows Yes and it can’t be read, thanks to more stringent consumer protection laws that the red caviar is from salmon and the black from the noise, but the cheapest replacement: salty grains of seaweed, laced with cream.

The caviar is not real favorable. Photo: Monika Maier Albang

More than 900 of these Super low-cost markets operates the company Torgservis, in the meantime, in Eastern Europe and Asia, inconspicuous decorated shops with Goods on pallets, and smaller selection, but with prices that are significantly lower than those of the competition. Stores of which in Germany hardly anyone note would take, would have opened the operator is not at the beginning of the year, in February, the first store in Germany: in Leipzig, of all places, in a former Aldi-market.

The rush was so great that the business had to close due to supply shortages for a couple of days. “Every day low prices” promises the supermarket, starting in Germany under the name of “Mers”, Romanian for Apples. In Russia, the markets of “light hot”, why also always. Maybe it’s because the Logo – a red, a yellow, a green circle – each of the grey facade.

time travel to the original form of the Discounter

The new competitors, speculate experts, could well be competition for the German discounters, which have long begun to present their Goods attractively, the offer also organic products and not only clients want to address, the need to pay attention to every penny. The Swetofor markets are quasi-return to the original form of the Discounters – and it shows when you visit one of these markets: a business in the Krasnoyarsk territory, 4000 kilometres from Moscow, in Siberia.

The market is October in the borough of Oktyabrsky, “”, in the West of that city, from the Swetofor markets originate. In 2009, the first traffic light, opened shops here. Today, there are in the Region 38, in the city of seven: one in each district, each quarter. Some are open from nine to 21 hours, “without a lunch break, without days off”, as the sign at the entrance promises. In other 24 / 7 is sold. Supply shortages you know in Krasnoyarsk, by the way. The cigarettes are just.

The Goods come largely from Russia: The sausage comes from Novosibirsk, the caviar set from Tomsk, the wine, the labels in English – “the milk of the goddess”, is bottled in Stavropol territory on the Black sea. The Goods are mostly in the large cardboard boxes, sold as is, as delivered. Five women per shift to keep the business Running; they occupy the four funds, to fill the product – and have to do with it. The sales room is a large hall, formerly tank parts were manufactured. The only thing that can make shopping a joyful experience, is the price.

Eight of toilet paper, two rolls of ply, cost 51 rubles, 70 cents. In other stores, tell customers that pay you Twice. The half-liter bottle of vodka with local color – it’s called Yenisei river, as the river that flows through Krasnoyarsk – s for 215 rubles, just under three euros. The sausages that you like to eat, give it here in a five pack for 70 rubles cheaper, expects an elderly woman, the extra came with the Bus three kilometres from a suburb. The concept of the market was, “no, ten varieties of cheese to choose from, but only two varieties in the big pack,” says Galina radio, the branch Manager.

With the low Russian average wages are low-cost providers particularly attractive. Photo: Monika Maier Albang

Many of their customers are pensioners. “Life is hard here”. 400, 500 euros with the Russian average earners in the month, pensioners will have to cope with significantly less. The most, therefore, have multiple Jobs, even after retirement, is being gradually raised from 55 to 60 for women and from 60 to 65 for men. In addition, many of the guest live in Krasnoyarsk worker from China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and often have to come up with even less money to make ends meet. They, too, are customers of Swetofor. In this respect, the market fits well with this city: It is not there, only if it is different.

Krasnoyarsk is located in the spring under a pall of haze. The air pollution in the city is extremely. Anyone who owns a dacha, escape there on the weekends. The sanatoria mentioned Hotels in the countryside, where the night 40, cost 50 Euro, can afford only the Wealthy. As well as the houses on the hillside, to the East of Krasnoyarsk, where the air is better than in the valley. Nevertheless, the city is growing, in the during the Second world war, many Evacuees and, later, political Exiles were settled.

A Million residents of Krasnoyarsk today – officially; estimated 200’000 people live here without registration. Also, if residents complain of watery eyes, and you must be able to withstand the temperature fluctuations for the first time (in the Winter it gets up to Minus 45 degrees cold in the summer up to 35 degrees hot), one has to offer Krasnoyarsk: work, well-paid and with Siberia – benefits-considered-in chemical factories, metal-processing and in the aluminum plant, which is considered to be the second largest in the world. Until 1992, Krasnoyarsk was because of its arms industry, the so-called “closed city”. Tourists were on the route of the TRANS-Siberian railway on the way, were not allowed to leave the train, even the curtains were drawn.

The owner-family lives in Krasnoyarsk and there are no Interviews

So unapproachable of how the city used to be, are still the founder and owner of the company Torgservis, Valentina and Ivan Shnayder and their sons Andrey and Sergey. The family lives in Krasnoyarsk. However, in contrast to other Russian businessmen, telling about your successes, give the Shnayders no Interviews, but are similar to be as discreet as the Aldi founders Karl and Theo Albrecht, whom they follow also in the business model.

the rise of the Shnayders with beer Began. A report of the Russian-speaking, according to Forbes, the brothers, in 1994, founded the drinks trade “Lenkom”. The company’s sales in Russia’s biggest beer brands, Baltika, Ochakovo and Heineken. In 2004, they had a beverage chain: “Napylnik”, “the Drunk”. Here they sold beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes and Zakuski, the alcohol-related appetizers such as pickled vegetables and smoked fish. But then the financial crisis turned to ruble came, the chain was 2015 broke. The Shnayders had but a different leg to stand on. In 2009, Andrey Shnayder had first opened the discounters Rostorg, a little later then the first Swetofor Shop, everything in the home city of Krasnoyarsk. From there, expanded Swetofor in the surrounding regions of Siberia, and later also in other regions of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Apparently with success: in addition to the Swetofor stores, pharmacies, clinics, and various trading companies belonging to the family.

How to do it in Germany? It’s hard to say whether there will be the group’s planned around 100 Mere-branches. In any case, the concept will rise only if the chain grows. Just because a cheap discounter can hold only if the logistics, the supply chain is large enough. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 11.04.2019, 15:49 PM