the Shortage of housing hits hard against the young. In a survey Sifo has done on behalf of Swedbank shows that 57 per cent of persons aged 18-24 years feeling unsafe on their housing situation.

– There are many young people who are worried about how they will resolve their future accommodation, ” says Arturo Arques, privatekonom at Swedbank.

the Concerns for the accommodation decreases with age. Among persons aged 55-64 years is only 22 percent who feel concern for the site.

20.000-30.000 sek is it possible to get loans for a 35 square foot apartment outside of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. But at the same time is required when a down payment of 100.000-300.000. It is money that can be difficult to save up.

Arturo Arques believes that it, rather than the new amorteringskravet which was introduced on 1 march 2018, which is the difficulty, when young, to check on the housing market.

Arturo Arques, privatekonom at Swedbank. Photo: Vilhelm Stokstad/TT

– Many people think that it is the new amorteringskravet that is the problem. It is not, ” he says.

that the requirement for down payment is available to people should not be too highly indebted. This can be particularly sensitive for young people, who more frequently change their life situation. The survey shows that one third of young people aged between 18 and 24 is prevented to change his life situation on the basis of the property. Close to half of them wish to move away from home.

– It is important to give tips and advice to young people, as an example that it is good to stand in the waiting list for a tenancy, please contact the property owners yourself, start saving when you start working and rent something together with a friend. There are different roads, though the situation may feel heavy, ” says Arturo Arques.

his life is the most common reason of ålderspannet a desire to move to a larger home. It indicates 41 per cent. Furthermore, the answer of 42 percent of the bostadsägarna that they saved up for the down payment.

Arturo Arques considers that the high housing prices are a result of an aggressive monetary policy, where it has long been cheap to borrow.

“If house prices had risen in line with wages, we had not had these problems that we have today,” he says.

And it is not a measure that will solve the problem, according to Arturo Arques.

” I think it is good that the politicians look over the whole of the taxation. We need to look at the real estate fee, interest deductions and everything else. It all fits together, ” he says.

today than ten years ago.

Households have benefited from higher incomes, but lower taxes. It has made that you received more money in the cashier. It along with lower mortgage rates has made households have been able to pay these prices, ” says Arturo Arques.

the Back is to high household debt.

– high debt follows a high interest rate sensitivity. We can not exclude the possibility that we get a higher interest rate in the future, ” he says.