His self-built Bicycle trailer Container he has now been right in the Middle of Munich at the Marienplatz square, and the passers-by to marvel at him. The hanger is covered with sheet metal, has a roof, Windows and a flower. Posters are glued on: “Save the bees! Enter!” “I’ll get out of it, when it itches me,” says the owner of Mickel Rentsch. And now it itches him, on day one of the Bavarian people’s desire “biodiversity – Saving the bees”.

For some days now 51 years old and a professional film-maker travels Rentsch, with his vehicle criss-cross through Munich. “So I’m doing advertising,” he says. The people see him, clap for him, or lifting the thumb. On the Marienplatz Rentsch is one of the volunteers with an orange safety vest. He appealed to the people in the lists. “Almost all of it is good,” is his observation.

Only a two passers-by said they were worried about the peasants who would have to implement most of the demands for more protection of species is virtually. Many people are asking Rentsch, where you can sign up, although the snake is in front of the New town hall is actually obvious. At 11.30 it measures 30 meters, in the city hall the people have to cope with again the same route to get to the registration tables. “I think we have the votes fast to each other,” says Rentsch.

On the Initiative of the ÖDP

In Bavaria, the bees are just the number one issue, many citizens feel addressed. Some animal species die, there are dramatically fewer birds, the industrial agriculture spreads with ever larger unökologischen mono-cultures. The bee is a wonderful Symbol, even when beekeepers say that you can not see a Dying of the honey bee.

Rather, it’s about wild bees, almost half of them are threatened, according to the national Association of Bavarian beekeepers. Also, 8000 species of insects apply in Germany as endangered. Mickel Rentsch has tacked on to the Marienplatz, a bee-shaped jewelry to the head. This Friday should be sung in Munich, “the largest bee song choir of Bavaria”. More than 1000 participants are expected, many dressed à la Maja, to honor with songs “bee” and to warn of the extinction of species.

the referendum was Initiated by the small party ÖDP, which is specialized in Bavaria, this Form of direct democracy. With the Greens and the SPD. 170 organizations and associations such as the Federal nature protection, bird guards, beekeepers, or the Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft drums. Support of Church organizations, of Bamberg Archbishop Ludwig Schick, because it is a matter of “integrity of creation”. For two weeks, the people running desire, to 13. February, officially known as the “people’s desire to biodiversity and natural beauty in Bavaria – Save the bees!”. Then it can come to a referendum.

farmers ‘ Association against the people’s desire

The bee-people desire a variety of innovations in the Bavarian nature conservation law. So there should be more ecological agriculture, the agricultural area is expected to rise by 2025 to 20 percent, and five years later to 30 percent. For public areas this will already apply as of next year. Across the country, the initiators of biotopes want to connect. Ten percent of the meadows are converted into Blühwiesen, lakes and rivers are equipped with blooming edge strip. According to the draft law, pesticides are prohibited.

The Bavarian farmers ‘ Association is against the referendum. “Stop the peasant-Bashing,” writes the organization. According to her, the farmers already contribute a lot to the diversity of species. The receivables would be the law, received by the farmers for no more money out of environmental programs. The promotion of Eco-farming, the Association sees as a “mistake”, because the market could not accommodate many of the new products at a reasonable price.

More about

UN world call bienentag from It buzzing – bees have high economic

Carsten Werner

In the government coalition, the Free voters (FW) reject the request for a referendum with a view to the farmers. Of the CSU there is no clear-cut recommendations. Some of the Christian social local politicians to support it, but the party leadership is skeptical. Prime Minister and CSU leader Markus Söder corrugated recently the end for the theme. He can’t say he is against the salvation of the bees. Rather, Söder says that it was a “short-fingered design”. He is afraid of “severe downturns in agriculture”, they wanted to save the “bee farmers”. The people desire success, want to add that the state government is “something Decent for the right to climate protection,” said Söder.