“Several accidents during military training”

“Earlier in the week claimed the lives of a hemvärnssoldat in connection with the militärövningen Northern Wind in Norrbotten.”

“But already during the first day, on 18 march, was a soldier in connection with an antenna would be erected, reports Norrbottenskuriren.”

“Antennmasten burst and parts of it hit the soldier in the head. The soldier was the same day posted on the Kalix hospital, where he among other things had been dizzy and spytt. After four days in the hospital returned the soldier to the exercise, but after two days re-posted.”

“the armed Forces have made a notification of work accidents to the Swedish work environment authority.”

“It has been reported on another accident during the first week. Then there were two military vehicles, a tracked vehicle and a lorry – collided and four people were taken to hospital.”

“in Total attended by about 10 000 people in the militärövningen, of which 7 000 came from Finland, Norway, the united states and the united kingdom. The main part of the exercise, the so-called förbandsskedet, went on 18-27 march.”