In comparison with march of last year decreased the number of bankruptcies in the country with one per cent. It shows recent figures from the business and kreditinformationsföretaget UC.

the increased number of defaults by two per cent. In the Western Region, there was a decrease of five per cent. In Skåne county low reduction of seven per cent.

at the same time increased the number of bankruptcies in the retail sector for the whole of Sweden by 25 per cent. Retail is the sector of the industry with the highest konkursfrekvens.

the Swedish Trade explanation for this is that the digital adjustments, companies will be fewer but larger. In particular, it is smaller enterprises – often in the clothing industry – as is turned out, but also larger companies in the hard prispressade industries.

It is common that the profitability is declining while many other costs continue to rise. One example is rents.

the Swedish federation of Trade has several tips on how you deal with the landlord:

• always Pay rent and hyrestillägg in time

• Negotiate deferral of payment

• Negotiate a lower rent/hyresrabatt

• Go through the lease

• Go through the rent

• Measure the locale

not able to pay its debts in the right time, and it can be seen that the problem is not transient, called the that a company is insolvent.

Anna Engman is a lawyer and trustee in bankruptcy at Ackordscentralen. Outsourced activities are focused on companies that have financial problems and ended up in the insolvency.

Her best tips to avoid bankruptcy is to dare to act in time before it is too late.

– as soon As you see that it goes bad should act. There are several ways to do it, among other things, analyze how the forecast looks forward, and contact with experts.

She says that many companies are turning to them too late, then the ability for reconstruction is no longer there.

there are several warning signs that you should keep in mind.

– an Administrative disorganization is a clear sign. If you come after with the books and records or to receive payment reminders can be a sign that you are beginning to lose control over the company’s finances, and that the business goes bad, ” she says.

– It is also important – based on the type of market you are involved in – keep an eye on how it goes for the industry. Make a proper track of how the competition situation looks, keep up-to-date through industry publications, networking and media, she continues.

Anna Engman, a lawyer and trustee in bankruptcy at Ackordscentralen, has several pieces of advice to companies that want to avoid bankruptcy. ”Keep an eye on how it goes for your industry. Make a proper track of how the competition situation looks, keep up-to-date through industry publications, networking and media.” Photo: Pressphoto

If you only have one big customer is more vulnerable, ” says Anna Engman and adds that it is important to keep track of how it goes for the customer with ongoing reconciliations.

at Ackordscentralen, she has helped companies in all sorts of industries; ranging from farms, clothing stores, and contractors to riding schools and service providers. Even individuals turning to her.

” at present We have not noticed any increase in case inflow for a single industry. We regularly receive cases from all sorts of industries. A couple of years ago, for example, many mission of the current farms. In the future, we seem to see more failures from companies in the retail and real estate industry, ” says Anna Engman.

from the rådgivningsföretaget Visma Spcs on how to reduce the risk insolvent:

1. Reduce your inventories – this frees tied-up capital

2. Sell off shelf warmers – this increases your liquidity

3. Drive all the old debts

4. Sell your outstanding invoices to a factoringtjänst that can quickly pay

5. Negotiate your supply agreements – in order to get longer credits and lower inpriser

6. Look over the areas that are most and least profitable – add resources where they will best benefit

7. Review contracts – cancel any unnecessary subscriptions and expenses

8. Bet on your important customers – it often costs more to get new than to keep the old

9. Use the cheaper way to communicate with new customers – such as newsletters, emails and social media.