Facebook Manager Sheryl Sandberg looks at the unequal pay of men and women in the culture of many companies. “Men from the cream often is the praise, if women have good ideas”, so see it in a lot of Meetings, she told the “Handelsblatt” on Monday. In addition, ambition be seen in the case of women and girls are still often negative. To “little girl said that they were “bossy”,” small boys would rather be seen as a “natural leader,” says Sandberg.

Sandberg, number two in the US group, commented on the Equal Pay Day in Germany on Monday. The Tag describes the statistical wage gap of 21 percent between men and women – to this day, women in Germany to work, theoretically, for free. “If it is possible to improve these Figures, it will show in economic growth,” said Sandberg, the “Handelsblatt”. For the development of the economic potential of national economies, the participation of women in the world of work is crucial.

The German economy Minister Peter Altmaier also said the “Handelsblatt” that it was the great job “our Generation” to achieve equality. He self-proclaimed himself “from the heart” as feminists. (nag/AFP)

Created: 18.03.2019, 11:35 PM