After the volcano mount Etna triggered earthquake in Sicily, the Italian government has declared a state of emergency for the affected places in Sicily. The Cabinet free made at its meeting on Friday evening emergency aid in the amount of 10 million euros. In order for the government to show in a concrete way, that she was Concerned close, said the head of government, Giuseppe Conte on Twitter.

The earthquake around the Etna weakened meanwhile. “But we can’t be satisfied,” as long as tremors are registered, said the geologist, Marco Neri, from the Italian Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology on Friday, the German press Agency. Since the quake, about two kilometres deep, to interpret the volcano-according to experts, that the of the Magma outgoing voltage in the ground not yet mined.

mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It always comes back to smaller and larger eruptions.

the consequences of The earthquake in Catania is visible.Photo: imago/Independent Photo Agency

The new Phase of activity began on the 23. December. On Wednesday, a quake of magnitude of 4.8 shook the Region around Catania on the South-Eastern foot of the volcano. 28 people were injured. More than 400 people are due to damage as a result of the Erdstoßes according to the authorities, temporarily homeless. (dpa)