the Investigation has been made by J. P. Morgan Asset Management, one of the world’s largest asset manager, which has measured the swedes ‘ confidence in the stock market in 15 years time. The higher the indexsiffran is, the greater is the optimism for the stock market.

the Last quarter was the swedes ‘ confidence figures dropped to a record low. Then had the overall investerarindexet plummeted from 63 to 42, which was the lowest figure since the measurements began. Not even during the financial crisis or the euro crisis, confidence in the stock market so low.

at ten points, it is thus the fourth lowest in ten years.

Many assume the Swedish stock market when they answer the question, but the question does not exclude the situation on foreign stock exchanges.

One explanation for the low förtroendesiffrorna last quarter was the troubled situation in the world: the threat of a trade war between the united states and uncertainty about Brexit developed a low-mindedness of many on the stock exchange.

” Brexit remains an issue of concern. The risk of a trade war between the US and China, there is certainly still standing, but the development goes in the right direction. It doesn’t dominate the news as much, ” says Alessandro Svensson, nordic manager at J. P. Morgan Asset Management.

that 31 percent believe it is likely or very likely that the stock market will go up over the next six months. This is an increase from 25% last quarter.

” Many people can relate to questions about the stock market, it represents a general känsloinställning. Right now it works very well financially, in Sweden and many people think that when they answer these questions, ” says Alessandro Svensson.

– But at the same time thinking of many people also on their own personal finances. It is a challenge to make an objective assessment of how the economic the social situation look like when it is the individual private economies, which weighs the heaviest, ” he adds.

in addition to a have greater optimism. The only exception is people aged 30-39. Elderly people (60-74 years old) are most optimistic (36 per cent).

Both men (33 per cent) and women (28 per cent) have become more optimistic about the future stock market performance.

The most common cause of those who believe that the stock market will rise over the next six months due to the market is variable: it goes up and down, and that it is now.

For those who believe that it will not rise, is the most common reason is the perception that a recession is approaching.