not lusläste the Swedish transport agency and Swedish transport administration’s common article perhaps missed an important sentence: ”although it is unusual for manufactured products is the reason why accidents occur is the consequence devastating when a car comes over on the wrong side and colliding with a vehicle of 60 tonnes”.
the impact of the collision is large, as soon as a truck is involved, and the trucking companies and their employees take a great responsibility to adjust speed for road conditions and minimize the risk to other road users come to harm. They do this at great expense, as lower speeds can mean late deliveries and possible subsequent penalties and sanktionsavgifter for crimes against the run – and the rules on rest times. Of course, it is never right to run for the fort.
But it is not high speeds alone that is the cause of fatal accidents.
instead, to make demands on their clients and highlight the lack of investment in safe roads, they choose to pick on those who are affected by the political felprioriteringarna that means that people die.
With the article to yrkestrafikens most important the authorities hide the real problem – their failure to provide trafikdugliga roads. To road maintenance for many years nedprioriterats in infrastrukturbudgeten is pure politics. Negligeringen of the state road network maintenance is, of course, major problems for the Swedish transport administration. Instead of imposing requirements on their clients and highlight the lack of investment in safe roads, they choose to pick on those who are affected by the political felprioriteringarna that means that people die.
traffic separation as highways and wire road-centre barriers increases the safety but the oncoming traffic is not always possible to avoid. In the accidents that occurred during the winter where a truck was involved and a car come over in the wrong lane have both the slipping and the poor vägutformning been contributing factors. A secure way, for example, have the right winter road maintenance and the correct signs of speed in relation to the nature of the product such as width, slope, smoothness and radius of curvature.
the Swedish transport administration cannot afford to provide passable roads during the winter. A number of statements the Dmv made recently confirm the image, for example, in sweden, on 25 January where a representative of the authority mean that the requirement of friction is set in the parity of what it costs to achieve the goal – thus, it is too expensive, and so lowered the requirements.
On a glashal way, you can run the slow time and still get in trouble. The Swedish association of road haulage companies in the autumn, helped with suggestions on how winter can be improved by breaking out winter road maintenance services from the procurement. It is also to help keep drivers who plows and salting our roads, but the Swedish transport administration’s procurement model hampers also work.