A new Director General of Health, Grégory Emery, was appointed on Wednesday September 20 by the government, replacing Christian Rabaud, who had been in office for five months at the head of this branch.

“Mr. Grégory Emery, specialist in public health, is appointed Director General of Health,” announced the government in the minutes of the Council of Ministers, formalizing news announced earlier in the week by the Medical Press Agency (APM ).

He will replace Christian Rabaud in this position. He was appointed in April following the departure of Jérôme Salomon, emblematic figure of the Covid crisis, who left to take responsibilities at the World Health Organization. Rabaud remained in his post for less than six months, an unusually short time at the head of the DGS, which reports directly to the Ministry of Health and is responsible for implementing decisions taken by the State in health matters.

Emery was until then the agency’s number two, a position he has held since 2022. He had previously advised two Ministers of Health, Agnès Buzyn and Olivier Véran, as well as Prime Minister Edouard Philippe during the worst of the crisis. of Covid in 2020. He also wanted to join the Korian group, giant of nursing homes, in 2021 as director of public affairs, but the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) was opposed to this.