“The future of jobs – this is the forthcoming activity areas to bet on”

“It-specialists, nurses and teachers are the professions where there is a lack of staff now and in five years. In the last year the situation was the same. Now requires the employment service that the politicians take hold of the situation.”

“– The most important thing is to review the adult learning sector so that it becomes easier to change their career into adulthood, ” says Annelie Almérus, arbetsmarknadsanalytiker at the unemployment office.”

“In the public Employment service’s new report highlights the authority up occupations where there is shortage of staff in 2018 and five years. For the professions at the tertiary level is the engineers, teachers, nurses and it specialists is needed in both cases.”

“In other levels of education are lifted, for example chefs, nurses and electricians are presented as occupations with labour shortages.”

“But it is not the first time the occupation is on the list. By June last year, saw it the same way.”

“In the short term, the shortage has increased further,” says Almérus.”

“labour shortages inhibit the development of employment and it in turn affect the Swedish economy negatively.”

“– There has long been a low interest for several of the school’s vocational programme. It has also been a lack of interest for teacher education. On other courses it has been too few places, such as preschool teachers and nurses, ” says Almérus.”

“the Situation had, claiming the Swedish public employment service, seen better out of you.”

“Is the study and yrkesvägledarna for lounging?”

“– They are too few. They get some time with the students, ” says Almérus.”

“another problem is that there are long lead times.”

“– It takes time to start the training, there should also be teachers to all the programmes. But many of bristyrkena require extensive post-secondary education and it takes time to train, ” says Almérus, and adds that it is important to make sure that it will be easier to receive training in adult age.”

“Who can decide over it?”

“Politicians”, says Annelie Almérus.”

“And from political elements to the image that it has long been labour shortages in certain professions.”

“– in particular, where the required vocational training or a college education, ” said Helene Hellmark Knutsson (S), the minister for higher education and research.”

“Hellmark Knutsson highlighted that an expanded teacher training programme with 10 000 places until 2023, as well as more training places in the health professions to contribute to the betterment.”

“the employment agency says that the study– and vocational counsellor have it pressed, how do you see it?”

“– They have an important key role when it comes to precisely guide to professional groups and to the choice of higher education. We have given a clearer mandate to Universitetskanslerämbetet and the national agency for Education to provide better predictions, for example, lärarrekryteringsbehovet in the future. More needs to be done to match the better, ” says Hellmark Knutsson.”

“Among the jobs on the university level, however, will have a surplus of manpower are among other things a journalist, a photographer and bank clerk.”

“the Facts: This is framtidsyrkena”

“Professions at the tertiary level, where there is the greatest shortage of labour (the least competition for jobs) for five years.”

“Occupations at other levels of education where there is the greatest shortage of labour (the least competition for jobs) for five years:”

“Professions at the tertiary level, where there is the greatest surplus of labour (hardest competition for jobs) for five years:”

“the Professions in the other levels of education where there is the greatest surplus of labour (hardest competition for jobs) for five years.”

“Source: the public employment service.”