the DN has spoken with sources within both the trade union world and in the business world. According to them, the social democrats have seemingly compromised slightly closer to The centre party and the Liberals ‘ previous demands. A possible Swedish flexicuritylösning, after the Danish model, has been mentioned as a target. It would mean that employers get a little easier to say up, but also to those who are made redundant guaranteed greater opportunities to learn new things that are needed to be able to move on to new jobs.

going on for several months negotiations on turordningsreglerna between LO and the confederation of Swedish Enterprise, on how to show easing in turordningsreglerna could be exchanged for increased training opportunities for employees.

even within the confederation of Swedish Enterprise has all required law changes in the labour law, which the DN is also used to be able to tell. Many, including the heavy industry organisation association of Swedish engineering industries, have rather wanted to find the arbetsrättslösningar through negotiations with the unions – but with a threat of legislation in the background, if the parties do not agree.

Now, there is such a lagstiftningshot with the deadline in the picture. And heavy industry, says to DN that it is good that the unions and employers ‘organisations get first dibs on that through negotiations to find a solution, even if they themselves would have liked a little more detail the threat, like a sword hanging over the parties’ negotiations.

arbetsrättsjuristen Samuel Engblom, however, is skeptical to a lagstiftningshot at all:

– Would you choose the way it is very unfortunate, ” he says to DN.

– There are no compelling reasons to change the turordningsreglerna in Las. This is a political problem, not something that in reality is a problem in the labour market.

Negotiations over the concrete lagstiftningshot can be ”very difficult and skewed if the threat only hits one side,” says Samuel Engblom.

– It can lead to bad solutions and a huge shift of power to the arbetsgivarns advantage.

requires that the state investigation into who should be in parallel with the parties ‘ negotiations must put pressure on both employers and employees. Therefore, an investigation to see over more issues than the order of entry.

– Compared with Denmark, which has the flexicurity model we have a higher employment, better gender equality and less than half as high arbetslöshetskostnader. In addition, significantly fewer long-term unemployed. The Swedish model has served the country well. Saco would like to continue to take responsibility for Swedish labour market without any pressure from politics. I assume that the parties will be involved in the investigation, which is added around the LAS.

as a very hard-driven requirement changes in turordningsreglerna, Stefan Koskinen, arbetsgivarpolitisk head, pleased that the policy now takes hold of the LAS-the question and suggest changes.

” We believe that the proposed changes will be the necessary pressure needed to enable the social partners to reach an agreement on the modernisation of the Las, even if we had desired more comprehensive proposal with a shorter timeframe for completion. But we note that it is now announcing that it will be a clearly extended the exception from turordningsreglerna and additionally lower costs in layoffs, especially for smaller companies.

Even if this does not resolve the company’s problems with LAS, so it is an important step in the right direction, ” underlines Stefan Koskinen.

” We think it will improve the social functionality and that it will lead to more jobs where more can come in the job. I am convinced that this will lead to the parties taking a collective approach across LAS-the question and the issues surrounding the conversion and acquisition of skills. Therefore, we are also prepared to as soon as possible participate in such partsförhandlingar, promises Stefan Koskinen.

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