Even the lobbyists of the Oil industry, the sponsored black liquid is actually a valuable commodity, to be used as gasoline and fuel burned. But first, the debate on climate change and the advent of the electric mobility to ensure that the growth prospects for Oil paints in much more subdued colors. The Producers and processors have taken this so far, because you direct your hopes to a completely different industry – the petrochemical industry.

about 14 percent of the world’s Ölkonsums currently account for – while more than half of those in the passenger and freight traffic flows. As Figures of the International energy Agency (IEA), will contribute to the petrochemical sector by 2030, more than one-third and by 2050 almost half of the growth in oil Consumption. He is the only significant source of Demand in the Oil industry, which promises longer-term accelerated growth.

Huge growth potential on paper

The long-term forecast, the IEA assumes that the global plastic consumption will continue to grow significantly faster than the growth of the world economy. This may seem understandable, when you consider that the Per capita consumption of plastic in the USA and Europe is 10 to 20 times greater than in many emerging Asian countries. This resulted in a huge growth potential for manufacturers of plastic in all of its facets can be derived. According to estimates of experts, the petrochemical industry uses about two-thirds of its required Oil as a feedstock for plastic production.

Against this Background, the energy Agency outlines a scenario in which the rapidly increasing consumption of plastic in the emerging world, all the efforts to mitigate them in our latitudes, by far, will surpass. But how realistic are assumptions based on the fact that the emerging markets the behavior and consumption patterns of developed States to assume a one-to-one?

it is equally plausible that emerging countries would not allow in the Knowledge of the environmental loads of the plastic, the eyes are there, especially – the common packaging excess in the first place. Or you can “skip” plastic and other, greater materials to turn – in a similar way, as many emerging markets in the telecommunications fixed-line networks dispensed with and the same on the mobile telephony have been transferred. So about Kenya disposable plastic bags has been banned.

a Stronger influence than electric cars

Should be followed by other emerging markets the example of the East African country, would be used to this is the noticeable impact on the plastic production: About 45 percent for packaging purposes. In the developed world talk of a “war on plastic”, also by means of state prohibitions of certain disposable products to increased use of alternative materials and increased plastic recycling is already held.

If the use of plastic bags and other plastic products around the world could push back the London – based independent energy consultant Crystol Energy has determined, could be cut in half the annual growth in Demand for plastic in the period from 2017 to 2040 to about 3 percent. It could, in addition, the proportion of recycled plastic in a good 20 years from 5 to 25 per cent, would reduce the Oil consumption in the petrochemical industry.

passed on to the forecasts of the energy Agency, is what they say: The oil Demand in the petrochemical industry would be 2040 to about 20 percent lower. The “plastic war” would have, according to the Crystol Energy is an even stronger influence on the sales prospects of the Oil industry than the proliferation of electric cars.

good intentions

a precondition is, however, that the major consumers of plastic packaging, let your words with deeds. Such as Coca-Cola has announced that by 2030 as much plastic to collect and to recycle, as the US beverage group requires packaging; currently, he uses every year, 120 billion bottles. The French mineral water brand Evian wants to bring up to 2025, only bottles made from recycled plastic in circulation. Also, by 2025, the US fast food chain McDonald’s and the Dutch consumer goods manufacturer Unilever to use only recycled and reusable plastic. Most recently, Nestlé has promised to waive up to five years on non-recyclable plastic. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 19.02.2019, 09:05 PM