James dega to give a straightforward opinion on boxing’s doping problems.James dega to require doping caught a lifelong competition ban. zumawire.com/mvphotos
Beijing 2008 middleweight olympic gold medal winner James Dega said, that doping is commonplace in boxing.
Believe it or not, performance-enhancing drugs use is rampant in this sport, dega to download the talk sport interview.
Dega, 33, to raise the doping in the worst hotspot was the USA, where he has fought on several occasions.
I Speak Paulie Malignaggin (ex-boxer), which belongs to my team today. When we sit down and we talked, he told things and the stories are appalling. It is interesting.
DeGalella is a harsh attitude to the top.
– It should give a lifetime competition ban.
more Than ten years as a professional boxing british is the upper central series of the double world champion.
Next, he will face Chris Eubank junior IBO-league championship match in London February 23. day.