If true is a female name, the gossip has no sex. It is handy as well the feminine and the masculine. It divides, mixes and spreads through the halls like wildfire. Around the coffee machine and on WhatsApp, pewter corporate is a treat that everyone loves, a little pleasure that it’s hard to deny.

The ingredients of a good ragot abound: small sentimental stories in-house, a dispute between two colleagues, pay, games of musical chairs, additional functions… the drama of life office offers every day new pretexts for peddling gossip and gossip!

see also : “The people who are in the office” #19: The placardisé!

The gossip is fun when they relate to the other. It is much less when it is itself the object! The gossip has not, to my knowledge, had the honors of being the object of study of a great thinker american management. If this was the case, such a study, for sure, would show that more than 95% of the frames are exposed to a ragot at least once in their career! Difficult to escape!

what it looks like or the true? It is a social animal, who networks a lot, who knows everyone in the box. The attentive ear, he knows how to show caring. This is a good comrade who loves and entrust what you heard or what you know. If some have a reputation as a true (and they are sometimes proud), others are so mild that they are hardly under suspicion…

How to ensure that a comrade of open space is a true or not? There is a very simple way which has been proven in the course of the recreation: you give him an anecdote crispy and tasty, under the cover of secrecy. “I trust you, you do not repeat not”. Let it simmer for three to five days.

If, by then, your confidence is up to you ears, your comrade is not worthy of trust. The test is more fun if the story is a little lie that passes your true for a sad, sire! A caution, however: for it to remain a good child, your deception must not bring that person in embarrassment, if not true…

For the sake of this column, please do not hesitate to share your own experience of important people by writing to qperinel@lefigaro.fr.

The editorial suggests”The people who are in the office” #18: The overwhelmed!”The people who are in the office” #17: The manipulator!The people who are in the office #16: disenchanted!”The people who are in the office” #15: The procrastinateur!SujetLe BureaulogueAucun comment

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