the Riksbank will leave its key interest rate unchanged at sek-0.25%. Just as in december, the Riksbank that the next rate hike will be in the second half of 2019, if the state of the economy and inflation prospects.

the executive Board is also sticking to our forecast that the interest rate then rises slowly, two times per year, by 0.25 percentage points on each occasion.

About a year, expects the central bank with a repo rate of 0.10 per cent and two years at 0.60%.

the growth Forecast for 2019 be reduced to 1.3 per cent from the earlier 1.5 per cent. The forecast for 2020 is screwed down to 1.9 per cent. In december, the Riksbank GDP growth of 2.0 per cent in 2020.

in the economy, but expects continued strong growth and see the conditions for inflation to remain close to 2 per cent in the coming years.

”the Growth in the outside world subdued but economic activity continues to be good the next few years, with low unemployment and rising wage increase in many countries. The uncertainty about the strength of the international economy, however, is still large,” writes the Riksbank in a press release.

the Riksbank reiterates its concern over high household debt.

”The Swedish households are highly indebted and thus vulnerable to changing economic conditions, rising interest rates or higher unemployment. In order to reduce the risks associated with household indebtedness and to get to grips with the structural problems on the Swedish housing market, measures of housing policy and tax policy and an effective design of macro-prudential supervision,” writes the Riksbank.

the mandate that made it easier to intervene in the foreign exchange market introduced in 2016.

a Few changes in terms of stödköpsprogrammet of bond purchases is not done.

”Återinvesteringarna of maturity and coupon payments in the statsobligationsportföljen continue until further notice,” writes the bank.

against both the dollar and the euro after the minimum bid rate. A dollar now costs 9: $ 24 to 9:28 crowns before the announcement. The euro is at 10:46 crowns, against earlier 10:50.

In the fixed income market were no reactions.

Read more: Sparekonom expect continued low mortgage rates

Read also: Increase in the autumn is not carved in stone