The Federal government has enacted the first immigration law in the history of the Republic. The project mainly targets skilled workers from countries outside the European Union (EU). For them, the conditions are simplified under which you can come. The primary objective is to respond to the defendant’s lack of skilled workers. The How was a fight between the Union and the SPD for a long time.

The draft law provides that the hurdles for the entry of workers from Non-reduced EU member States. Who is qualified and good German speaks is supposed to come without a work contract and a half-year-long Job search. This was previously only for University graduates. The restriction on bottleneck occupations should account for the government’s plans, according to. Also, the so-called priority review, according to the German or EU-citizens will be given preference in the filling of vacancies, will no longer apply. Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, said that the country was “no immigration into the social systems”.

the acquisition of migration and asylum law

Controversial until recently, employment was permission for rejected, but tolerated asylum seekers. Because you can’t be in their country of origin sent back, wanted to give you, in particular, the SPD the opportunity to be in Germany. But this is not longer a part of the skilled workers immigration law, but should be regulated in a separate act, which was passed on Wednesday also from the Cabinet. The so-called employment toleration of those who are securing their livelihood themselves and well integrated to obtain a 30-month stay status.

a precondition is that you have worked for at least 18 months of full-time, not because of a criminal Offence are convicted, and your identity, truth according to evidence. With this compromise, the acquisition of migration and asylum will remain the law through two different laws separately. What the parties have agreed that, ultimately, is a Mini-track exchange.

criticism comes from the Opposition and the associations

The migration policy spokesperson of the Greens, Filiz Polat, called the design disappointing: “the claims of The associations, the business sector and the companies remain unheard.” Even though so many people work in Germany as never before, were in the middle of the year, more than 1.2 million job Vacancies. Especially in the area of nursing and health, but also among engineers and craftsmen of the young.

According to a survey by the German chamber of industry and Commerce day (DIHK) is significantly more than half of the interviewed companies are open for skilled workers from Non-EU countries. Around two-thirds of the companies are not able to fill Vacancies in the long term, see it as an Option, in order to respond to your bottlenecks. The German Confederation of trade unions fears, however, that the law is abused in this Form for wage dumping and exploitation, because the residence permit is tied to a specific activity with an employer. “Instead of people’s economic needs, the act is aimed at short-term corporate interests,” said Board member Annelie colorful Bach.

More about

skilled labour, immigration law, immigration is desirable

Andrea Dernbach, Paul Starzmann

out Of the everyday life of the digital Association Bitkom criticises the focus on specific qualifications and German language skills. “The relevant skills are usually acquired through special training and certificates demonstrated”, it says. In the digital economy, often international Teams would work together, would not write in German, but in English, and speak. “A Software developer must be able to code, it is not polished English,” says managing Director Bernhard Rohleder.