“The Swedish schools inspectorate closes Malmöskola”

“the schools Inspectorate revokes the permit for the stand-alone Kilowattskolan in Malmö. It means that the school must close and its 60 students, grades 4-9, must start at a different school after the christmas break.”

“the Reason that the authority stop the activity is to serious criticism on a wide range of points are not fixed, despite the threat of a fine. The Swedish schools inspectorate has called for improvements in terms of the actual teaching, in particular, support to needy pupils, student health, the score and the environment at the school. The latter is about the prevalent mess, fights and fights in the classroom. Both pupils and staff have indicated that there is bullying.”

“When an independent school closes, it becomes the municipality’s responsibility to offer a place in a public school unless the parents do not select a different independent school.”