Animals If you have access to the Antwerp Zoo, you have probably already seen: he is the man that will guide you in the aquarium. But Thomas Van Puymbroeck (34) from Mortsel has yet another passion: photography. To everyone the beauty of nature. And the sad impact of the human being there sometimes.

15 years old he is meanwhile busy with it, and the award winning photos on its website and social media to testify of talent. There he wants to do something with it. “A lot of people have no idea what is all under the surface of the water plays,” he says. “I want to show how beautiful it is there and also ask to have respect for that natural beauty and they take to protect.”

Read also Weyts wants to end dolphins in captivity: “No licences for dolfinaria” Zoo

some of the beautiful images post he fun facts. About how it with a particular species of animal is, for example, and what people can do to help. “If I were in the Zoo explanation give about the fish in the aquariums, draw visitors often big eyes”, sounds. “There are many misconceptions about animals. Sure about sharks.” the

And let that the animals are where Thomas a weakness for. “I call myself grappend the ‘lawyer of the sharks’,” he says. “Those animals are not at all as dangerous as everyone thinks. Did you know that the risk of dying by a lightning strike is much greater? (Each year an average of 6 deaths due to shark attacks, according to International Shark Attack File . The risk to die is according to recent figures, 1 3.748.067. For comparison: the risk to die by a lightning strike is 1 in 79.746, in an accident with the bike, 1 on 4.919 and a history of heart disease 1 in 5, red.) Sharks will only attack people if they feel threatened. Or sometimes by a regrettable misunderstanding. But that is also true for dogs. And that people will still not scary?” (read on below)