If the united kingdom, in an orderly manner can leave the European union on 29 march is very unclear. Brexitavtalet, which was concluded between the british government and the EU’s 27 heads of state and government in november, has so far been no majority in parliament in London.

The EU commission to act.

“Because it remains uncertain in the Uk, we put forward the necessary legislative acts that need to be adopted to the landing will be softer,” says Valdis Dombrovskis, vice-president of the commission responsible for the euro area.

gone through the 14 areas which it considers particularly vulnerable if the brits crashing out of the EU without the agreement. For them leaving you the different proposals.

When it comes to british citizens living in EU countries, the commission calls on the member states to have a pragmatic approach. For example, the british continued to be seen as they live legally in the EU and have the right to work.

This is provided that the united kingdom has the same pragmatic attitude to the swedes, poles, danes and other EU citizens who live there, the commission stresses.

need a visa to travel to the EU. The commission anticipates that the equivalent should apply for EU citizens to travel in the other direction.

the airline industry is particularly vulnerable to a hard Brexit. For passengers travelling between the EU and the Uk should feel some security, the commission is proposing a temporary agreement to save the direct air traffic until at least march 2020.

by Contrast, british carriers do not get carry passengers between two EU countries or from an EU-country and out into the world.

of goods, the commission proposes that uk road hauliers should be allowed to continue to run to the EU for a period of nine months. Like other proposals, it is based on the Uk equivalent of the go-ahead to EU-based hauliers who run to the Uk.

But the commission warns that it may be more expensive for consumers to pay by card in the Uk after 29 march. When the subject is no longer the country of the EU legislation limiting the extra fees.

the Commission also warns that it will be more complicated to travel with pets between the Uk and the EU. They are called ”EU pet passport” is issued in the Uk expires. Djurägaren may instead need to have with health certificate, including evidence such as the rabies vaccination.

stepped up their preparations for a hard Brexit. On Tuesday, the government took the formal decision to step up such preparations.

” We’ve come to a point where the preparations need to be stepped up for a avtalslös Brexit. This means that the remaining parts of our planning is set in motion. The government also recommends the company to do this, so that they are prepared for a ”no deal”scenario, ” says a spokesperson for prime minister Theresa May.

the Prime minister is still hope that the parliament in London to approve the Brexitavtalet as she negotiated with the EU. The vote is scheduled for the week starting 14 January.

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