The trade war between China and the United States in a new round: As retaliation for the U.S.-punitive tariffs China levies imports in the future, additional taxes on US.

In the trade war between the US and China is for the time being, refrain, no relaxation. After the United States had recently imposed new punitive tariffs of up to 25 percent on Chinese Goods to the value of around 200 billion dollars, according to pulls out of China now.

By midnight (local time) trade restrictions in a comparable order of magnitude in power – however, on US Goods to the value of 60 billion dollars. In addition, China will stop imports of soybeans from the United States. Worldwide, the country’s largest soy buyers – of which, in the future, other States will benefit.

Also the US special duties to collect on a single Chinese products: beer barrels, provisionally, massive special levies on mattresses and steel-due.

Not a US Export to China: The country buys its soybeans in the future where different.

China suggests further pressure to

The spiral continues: As an important supplier of raw materials China has a further pressure medium in the quiver. The country is the largest exporter of rare earths, which are used for electrical equipment and high technology. How the Chinese party organ “people’s daily” suggested, could be related to this High-Tech-metals as a means of pressure in the dispute with the United States.

another sticking point is Huawei, The Chinese telecommunications group, is in the US on a black list. He must shop in the United States no Software and electronics and more. In addition, the Chinese should be prevented from Western communication networks to equip.

relaxation for the time being is not in sight – consequences already being felt

Up to both sides to come together, it could take a month. Observers expect that U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s head of state Xi Jinping at the G20 to speak summit at the end of June, and on a political solution to the conflict agree.

, The Chinese economy will feel the impact of the trade conflict: The so-called purchasing managers ‘ Index, fell. This economic Barometer shows the mood among factory operators. You can expect less orders from home and abroad. The growth of the Chinese economy has slowed in the second quarter of 2019.

China with new tariffs on U.S. products
Markus Pfalzgraf, ARD Shanghai
31.05.2019 13:56 PM

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