
The vote on the collective labor agreement (cao) at Henkel Scheemda has been announced, and the results are in. The members of CNV unanimously voted in favor of the negotiated agreement during a well-attended meeting. Similarly, FNV members also showed their support for the agreement. The unions have informed the new director of Henkel about the approval of the agreement, which will be in effect for the next two years until July 1, 2026.

It is important to note that the cao will expire on the mentioned date, and both CNV and FNV will reach out to gather input for the new agreement well in advance. This process ensures that the interests of the workers are represented in the negotiations for the post-2026 cao. For any further inquiries or information, you can contact Tristan Westra, CNV’s representative, at the provided phone number or email address.

In related news, the successful outcome of the vote reflects the unity and solidarity among the members of CNV and FNV. The active participation in the decision-making process demonstrates the importance of collective bargaining and the role of unions in advocating for the rights and benefits of workers. By coming together and voicing their opinions, employees can influence the terms and conditions of their employment, leading to fair and satisfactory agreements for all parties involved.