A possible change of position of France in the EU gas policy could jeopardise the controversial Baltic sea gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. This is to deliver more Russian Gas to Europe – against the interest of the United States.

France wants to face in the dispute over the gas supply in the EU against Germany. A proposal from the EU Commission to gas pipelines, might affect the German-Russian Nord Stream Pipeline 2. You should transport from the end of the year of Russian Gas through the Baltic sea to Germany. The vote on the Ordinance tomorrow.

The French foreign Ministry announced that they wanted to vote for tomorrow in Brussels for a revised EU Directive, the EU-Commission a hand against the project. So France would pull out of the previous Alliance with the Federal government, which is yet to Nord Stream 2. Additional requirements could make the project less profitable or even uneconomic.

concerns – not only in the U.S.

The Nord Stream project 2 has long been controversial, because the United States and some Eastern and Northern European countries warn of a greater dependence on Russia. In addition, the existing Gas transit country Ukraine is afraid to have revenue in the billions, should Russia supply Gas in the future, mainly through the Baltic sea to the West.

Chancellor Angela Merkel dismissed fears of a too great dependence. “We want to make, under any circumstances, solely dependent on Russia,” said Merkel in Bratislava. Germany will build, therefore, at the same time Gas-liquefied natural gas Terminals (LNG).

A safety valve for the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 in Lubmin

USA is planning to liquefied natural gas to Europe

Background selling is that the US wants to sell liquefied natural gas to Europe. Next week the Ministry will take place in the economy of an LNG conference. Russia, according to Merkel, had been in the “Cold war” a reliable gas supplier in Europe and this will continue, “without that, we will embark in a one-sided dependency”.