In the case of Wilhelm Busch: “The Good – this set is –, is always Evil, what you leave.” The philosopher Odo Marquard has varied this Bon MOT: “The sense – and this set is fixed – that is always the nonsense that you can be.” Unfortunately, both is not true. Also, the Evil and Senseless, and what is not, can lead to a very persistent life of their own.

21 years Ago, British doctor Andrew Wakefield published a paper in the medical journal “the Lancet”, in which he alleged a causal connection between vaccinations and autism. The Theory was immediately refuted, the essay is drawn back, the doctor’s license to practice medicine revoked. The Echo was still. It holds, through social media, until today. Wakefield’s essay is considered the founding document of the global opponents. The year 1998 is as the birth of a dangerous modern myth in the story.

in the Meantime Wakefield lives in the US state of Texas. Of his Thesis, he is not, he has even made a movie about it. Before a court in the Italian city of Rimini passed in the year 2012, a judgment, as a result, the MMR-vaccination (measles, Mumps, rubella) would have actually caused a child’s autism, was allowed to Wakefield to present his Film. The judgment was collected three years later, but the damage was considerable. Rimini is the centre of the Italian opponents-campaign “Comilva”. One of the first that addressed their concerns politically, it was Beppe Grillo, the founder of the Five star movement, which is today, with the right-wing populist Northern League in the government.

A rapid rise of the “Bio-populists”

In the United States Wakefields theses were Donald Trump on fertile ground. More than thirty Tweets he has deposed about the alleged dangers of vaccination. He also invited the Ex-doctor two years ago to one of his inauguration balls in Washington, D.C.. Also in Hollywood, Wakefield is a welcome guest. As it wanted to interrogate a year ago, a Journalist, he replied brusquely: “I’m talking about with the fake news’.”

Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Heinz Christian Strache, Beppe Grillo, and Matteo Salvini: In Europe and the United States have made populists of all kinds, the ideology of the opponents. The British magazine “the Economist” speaks of a rapid rise of the “Bio-populists”, the same wanted to the human body, apparently, as for the Nation’s purity, unity and self-determination. Pronounced the Impfgegnerschaft especially in Italy, France, Poland and the USA. The feelings of resentment are nurtured distrust of Science-hostility, anger at the Establishment, assumptions about the interests of a multi-national pharmaceutical industry, in the face of any kind of authority, the dichotomy of “good nature” and “evil chemistry”. The last aspect is particularly important for anthropologists and left-wing vaccination opponents Central.

95 percent of the population immunized acts to be

The Propaganda. Year after year, less and less parents allow their children to be immunized. The vaccination coverage is at its lowest level since 16 years. Accordingly, there has been a dramatic increase in cases of illness and death runs, according to the world health organization only in the year 2018 by up to 300 percent. Therefore, the WHO has declared a few days ago opponents to the global threat. From the point of view of the experts, a similarly large risk for the global health of the Objectors, such as Ebola, antibiotic resistance and air pollution.

No medical intervention has saved in the past few years, more and more people’s lives than the Vaccine. Diseases such as smallpox, polio, measles, diphtheria, and Tetanus have been very hedged around with strong or even eradicated. However, the fewer people are vaccinated, the more the diseases spread. In order to prevent such outbreaks should be immunized 95 percent of the population. In Italy, however, the brand fell below 90 percent. In France, twenty percent of the population against the Vaccination.

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day of the polio the Polio risk in Germany h4>

banned </After all: Some of the populists are changing, and when you get to the Power. Beppe Grillo supports, in the meantime, the measles vaccination. Also the health Minister of the FPÖ has promised that "unfortunately, existing Impfskepsis" counter.