When it comes to a No-Deal-Brexit, should be able to finish Erasmus students in and out of the UK, however, your exchange stay. This transitional arrangement, the EU Commission has decided – finally, great Britain would in the case of a disorderly exit on 29. March departure from the Erasmus programme. However, students of German universities in the British universities to help this scheme in a little bit criticised now, Jens Brandenburg, higher education policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

Who the winter semester, from 1. October to 31. The March will take, in the UK, spend, benefit, de facto, only two days of the transitional arrangements. For all who want to go for the summer semester to the UK, the situation is completely unclear. “The Federal government makes German Erasmus students in the UK in the lurch,” says Brandenburg.

more than 20,000 young people

would be Affected Within Europe, the UK in 2017, was one of the most popular destination countries for students who can go with the Erasmus program for up to a year at a foreign University. According to the EU Commission on 30. March – the first Post-Brexit-day – around 14,000 young people from the 27 EU States, with the Erasmus exchange program in the UK. 7000 Erasmus participants from the United Kingdom will be in the Rest of the EU.

in fact, the Federal Ministry of education makes in a response to a request from the state of Brandenburg is clear that in the case of a disordered Brexits to the 29. March could actually Commission will not be billed already approved EU-projects with the UK – therefore the first proposal for an emergency solution to the EU. But what happens to those who planned their exchange already, but have not yet begun, is in the case of No-Deal-Brexits unclear – according to the state of things, you would have to stay at home.

“don’t punish the Generation that is against the Brexit”

The Federal government wants to deal with a European solution. Brandenburg calls on Minister of education, Anja Karliczek now, to make the educational exchange: “The Brexit should not punish the Generation, the majority has voted against it.”

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click here to read an Interview about the possible impacts of a No Deal-Brexits for science.