

Daniel Brühl speelt Karl Lagerfeld: ‘Hij was ook een éénzame man’

Daniel Brühl plays Karl Lagerfeld: 'He was also a lonely man'Actor Daniel Brühl is trying to capture the essence of the person he is...

Nederlandse landbouw in gevaar door klimaatverandering: ‘Geen maatregelen’

The Dutch agriculture is in danger due to climate change: 'No measures'In the Netherlands, agriculture is practiced where it is actually no longer suitable....

Tweede editie van de Midzomerwegwandeling biedt routes voor iedereen!

The Rotary Club Bergum is hosting the second edition of the Midsummer Road Walk on Saturday evening, June 22nd. The starting and finishing point...

Family Law S01E01: de kille hoofdpersoon ontdooit geleidelijk – de Lagarde – BNNVARA

Title: Family Law S01E01: The Cold-hearted Protagonist Slowly Thaws - de Lagarde - BNNVARAIn the new legal drama series "Family Law," we are introduced...

UPS Healthcare breidt Europese hub in Roermond uit

UPS Healthcare is expanding its European hub facility in Roermond. The logistics provider is adding 21,860 square meters to the existing facility to increase...

9 arrestaties bij 16 huiszoekingen in Limburg en Antwerpen in onderzoek naar boekhoudkantoor dat...

In Limburg and Antwerp, the federal judicial police carried out a total of 16 searches as part of an ongoing investigation into a suspected...

‘Echte’ Martha uit ‘Baby Reindeer’ klaagt Netflix aan

The real-life Martha from 'Baby Reindeer' is suing NetflixA woman who claims that the stalker from the hit series Baby Reindeer is based on...

Japanse MicroStrategy koopt weer Bitcoin: aandeel stijgt fors

Metaplanet, a Japanese company known as the MicroStrategy of Asia, has announced on June 11 that they have purchased bitcoins (BTC) once again. Following...

Lunterse boer brengt kalveren in veiligheid bij brand

On the morning of June 12, 2024, a farmer from Lunteren managed to rescue 25 calves after a fire broke out in the cattle...

“Hij zal flirten met medailles in Parijs”: Mag Alexander Doom van het allerhoogste dromen...

Alexander Doom: The Rising Star of Belgian AthleticsWhere are the limits of Alexander Doom's potential? After winning two indoor world titles (400m and 4x400m),...


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