
Nicolas Juncker refuses the Grand Prize awarded by the Galons de la BD for...

Nicolas Juncker makes his putsch. Winner, with François Boucq, of the Grand Prize for the 3rd edition of the Galons de la BD, awarded...

In Iraq, the ancient heritage threatened by repeated sandstorms

From the top of a mound, the Iraqi archaeologist Aqeel al-Mansrawi contemplates more than four millennia of history. Around it, waves of sand have...

The Maison Gainsbourg is sold out five months before its opening

“Here, this is my house. I don't know what it is: a setting room, a music room, a brothel, a museum…”. These are the...

After Simone Veil, Elsa Zylberstein will be Simone de Beauvoir in Anne Fontaine's biopic

After Simone Veil, Elsa Zylberstein will play Simone de Beauvoir in the film written by Oscar-winning British playwright Christopher Hampton and directed by Anne...

In Rouen, restoration to come for Raoul Dufy's unfinished triptych on the delights of...

Three graces present their naked bodies to nature in bloom. Three apples take the sun at their feet. And in front of them stretches...

A remake of The Wages of Fear will be available on Netflix in 2024

Director Julien Leclercq is not afraid to tackle a mountain of the seventh art. He has just finished shooting a remake of Henri-Georges Clouzot's...

The painting Fuck abstraction!, taxed with child pornography, does not have to be taken...

Miriam Cahn's painting can remain within the walls of the Palais de Tokyo. Seized by several children's rights associations, the judge in chambers of...

Neflix created scandal after giving the role of Cleopatra to a black actress

What do the texts say about his physical appearance? Nothing, Cleopatra's beauty is a modern invention. “She was pretty, but no more than other...

The war between the RN and Medina continues: two elected officials file a complaint...

Two elected RN de Gironde, including MP Edwige Diaz, filed a complaint on Wednesday against the rapper Médine who had his audience tear to...

Our review of Dancing Pina: like in Wuppertal

Dance freaks should rush all ceaseless business to Dancing Pina. The documentary makes the big difference, between the Semperoper of Dresden and the School...



Eindhoven bewoners snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brand

Bewoners Eindhoven snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brandZaterdag 8 maart 2025 - 18:00Inwoners van een appartementencomplex in Eindhoven konden snel weer naar huis...

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