
The cry of alarm from the friends of Léopold Sédar Senghor against the dispersal...

Will the Senegalese state, in the midst of a revolution with the coming to power of leaders who intend to make a clean sweep...

BD: Carla, heroine escorting the lost souls of the night

Founded in 1974, the Futuropolis publishing house is today celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, the publisher has concocted a major editorial...

Universal Expo 2025 in Osaka: promises and controversies in Japan

Delicately, a crane hoists an imposing structural element up to the “big roof”, the flagship structure of the Universal Expo in Osaka (western Japan)...

The eye of the INA: Alexis Gruss, 60 years of circus and television

Alexis Gruss's old-fashioned circus owes a lot to modern technologies. The INA archives preserve more than a thousand reports and documentaries devoted to him...

At almost 89 years old Popeck, the prince without laughing, does not want to...

"The stage is my breathing, my oxygen... But you have to know how to surrender...". At almost 89 years old, Popeck happily continues his...

Blake and Mortimer: The Yellow Mark will be adapted for the cinema

A major challenge. A Belgian producer has announced the project to adapt for the cinema, in live action, The Yellow Mark, an album by...

On the Notre-Dame construction site, the dazzling return of light and color

“It’s really wonderful these colors which had completely disappeared. I discovered them live,” the vice-rector of Notre-Dame de Paris, Guillaume Normand, confessed to AFP...

Newcastle and Sela: haptic shirts for deaf fans

Sela, Newcastle United's front-of-shirt sponsor, will introduce revolutionary haptic jerseys that will allow deaf and hearing-impaired fans to experience the atmosphere of St. James'...

The first images of the biopic on Michael Jackson revealed in the United States

Freddy Mercury, Bob Marley, Edith Piaf, Elvis Presley... For several years now, biopics about music stars have been all the rage. In 2024, the...

Lilian Thuram, Laurent Voulzy and Dany Laferrière, gathered at the funeral of Maryse Condé

Former footballer Lilian Thuram, singer Laurent Voulzy and writer Dany Laferrière attended the funeral of writer Maryse Condé, explorer of West Indian and black...


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