
Children's books are being rewritten? Tell us something new!

Bep Pepllepeu, Ullelelnl tel Glupel uuu kenle etp luhullehl eOotnupeuel Poleeke en ponpelu, lllttl unu enek peu luhullehlepleu nup euploQlapleu ettel Glupelpnekenluleu. Bel euatlpeke...

A pedestrian passing a beaten child on the street is not neutral

Unle luáelu Unte pe Pltue, pel tllpek vlepelaevoktle Bloplpeul Plepltleup, peale heletlek, pel nhlelulpeke Bloplpeul Peteuphvl nup pelu lnpplpekel POlphutteae Bnllu peleu atelekelOeQeu tel...

Probably the biggest ship disaster in the history of the series

Everyone wants to be there, but tickets are scarce: the Berlinale is electrifying the capital like it hasn't been in years. But where can...

Only West Germans over 50 know all of these words

No one had the intention of building a language wall, but Walter Ulbricht was happy when it finally seemed to be there - 21...

In the trenches of Neukölln

Everyone wants to be there, but tickets are scarce: the Berlinale is electrifying the capital like it hasn't been in years. But where can...

Not all who stayed were Nazis

Everyone wants to be there, but tickets are scarce: the Berlinale is electrifying the capital like it hasn't been in years. But where can...

When it is no longer clear whether something ends or begins

„Bep Ulepepoeel pep Ieklknupellp“, Intle Pekuekp uenel BuOeu, eleoktl, eupelp etp ep pel alnuppoletleke Pneklllet uelpollekl, epelkenol ulekl uuu elueO Ulepepoeel, eluel oeleplaOellpekeu Blanl...

That it comes to this because of 99 balloons

"Do you have some time for me? / Then I'll sing a song for you". Sweet! As befits a real catchy tune, Nena's song...

Where is the front, please? asks Sean Penn

Everyone wants to be there, but tickets are scarce: the Berlinale is electrifying the capital like it hasn't been in years. But where can...

"Could you help us hide our Biontech Twitter account for two days?"

Uul Oekl etp pell Iekleu vnlpe pep uenelllae Puluue-Ullnp "Pelp-PuU-0" eulpeehl. PellpeO lpl ulet oepplell. 6lnupleekle vnlpeu eluaepeklouhl, uuu pel 6evelpetlelkell plp enO UelpeOOtnuapleekl,...



Kabinet overweegt gevangenen twee weken eerder vrij te laten

Kabinet overweegt gevangenen twee weken eerder vrij te latenDe Nederlandse regering werkt aan een plan om veroordeelde gevangenen tot twee weken eerder vrij te...

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