"With security guarantees, we, the West, are then a war party"
Bel eOellllelle Butlllholuteppul Feltllep Zeuhtel aekoll a little leuuOOlellepleu lulettehlnetteu lu Benlpekteup. Bl kel Peekel epel ple Glleae pel Uelaeuaeuvell onptlelell – nup alpl...
The offensive of the negotiating friends
Blpl Ptlee Pekweleel nup Pekle Veaeuhueekl, lelel Ielaeu FepelOep. Ble PllOOeu, ple Uelkeuptnuaeu evlpekeu pel Vhlelue nup Bnppteup etp Nlet penlpekel PnQeuoutlllh tulpelu, velpeu...
Why the Berlin National Gallery didn't want Schinkel's children
An academic career, an art history career that was as high as possible, was aspired to. In the museum, in a public collection. There...
Not she, but he is the prey
Everyone wants to be there, but tickets are scarce: the Berlinale is electrifying the capital like it hasn't been in years. But where can...
Why Are Basset Hounds Called Hush Puppies?
According to Hush Puppy Dog Tags, basset hounds are short, squatty dogs with sharp noses and the ability to follow a trail. They’re also...
Spring Style Trends Every Woman Should Know
The spring season is here and with it comes a slew of new trends to keep you looking fresh. From hair and nail trends...
5 Modest Dress Styles for the Modern Woman
When it comes to modern modest dressing, there are many options for women to consider. Whether you're going for a casual look or a...
Everyone in Germany should have read these eight books
At the end of the 1940s something new began, not only in the newspaper industry and in politics, but also in children's books. In...
How far do we want to go?
She can understand what her sister is doing. She would never do it, she stands on the other side of a thin line. If...
What currency devaluation does to the psyche
The history of currency devaluation in Germany has a specific quality compared to other western countries. The fact that the myth of the “Golden...