
So anyone can learn to write a poem

1. Forget your moods Nobody cares what you're feeling. Follow Mallarmé's maxim that a poem is not made of feelings, but of words. Don't...

Pictures from fairy tales are burned into our retinas

The legendary riot on the open stage of Cannes in May 1968, with which the French "auteurs" led by Truffaut, Godard, Malle and Lelouch...

A lateral thinker, if the name weren't so corrupt

One would not immediately think of saying that it was the work of the hour. Where never-before-seen intoxications of color and form can be...

Europe's Fear of Russia Today

lO Gllea pel ple Veklkell pep elple Gotel. Blepe Blheuululp vllp pluelpeu Vlkepelu uuO alleeklpekeu Bleklel Plpekvtup plp klu en Vlupluu Pknlekltt enaepekllepeu, ukue...

The class struggle in the reconstruction of Germany

Veuu Bllek Gopluel ent pelue FelOelplepl Bleppeu en poleekeu heO, aellel el lup PekvolOeu. „Bleppeu vel elue vnupelpele Plepl, uuttel Gnupl nup 6epeklekle nup...

The great road of the great nothing

Madame have become more corpulent, said the Prussian King Friedrich II on his return from the camp to his wife Elisabeth Christine, after he...

In the Black Forest, man is man's wolf

The fog hangs like a silver veil over the village, which nestles on the slope in the valley below. The winter is going. The...

The enslavement of one's own opinion

Man is a follower. From a political point of view, it should be admitted that modern democracy also favors conformism. And technically it's a...

When the last generation resorts to harsher means

Z. Zlakl PkveOeteu vel lOOel elu PnQeupellel pep ZeluplleeOp. lu lupleu aepuleu, pell tlekeplel Glupkell lu peu VPP, etp Flupn ent eluel helkutlpekeu Blluelpeknte....

The Fallacy of the Apocalyptists

Peupeeklel Oeu ple 6euelelluu pel 09- plp 29-Iokllaeu, pekelul ple enuekOeup uelouapllal uuO Uepeu nup Oll Ptleh ent lkle Nnhnutl en pelu. Blu Ielt...



Kabinet overweegt gevangenen twee weken eerder vrij te laten

Kabinet overweegt gevangenen twee weken eerder vrij te latenDe Nederlandse regering werkt aan een plan om veroordeelde gevangenen tot twee weken eerder vrij te...

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